March 2018 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

During this month we:

  • We removed the old marina gangway and repaired small dock bracket. The new aluminum gangway was installed on March 30.
  • The pressure reducing valve (PRV) replacement (at the swim lake spillway) by Blythe was approved. Installation date to be determined once the PRV is ready.
  • Master Meter software, used for meter reading and leak detection, was updated to the latest version.
  • A water leak was identified and repaired at 2921/2925 Cedar Avenue on March 8. Identifying water leakage is still a high priority.
  • Pogozone installed components and CAT-5 cable for the swim lake/storage tanks wi-fi network. Wi-fi project is not complete at this time.
  • The Cabana was dewinterized.
  • Isaac attended Water System Mapping training on March 12.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped    431,110
Backwashes    51,150
Net pumped    379,960
Flushing    5,000
Net to distribution    374,960
Residential meters    240,820
Unaccounted for water    134,140
Percentage of loss        36%

February 2018 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

During this month we:

  • Removed the old Marina gangway
  • Stripped and waxed the Clubhouse floors
  • Began prepping the Clubhouse deck for painting 
  • Repaired pothole on Berry Way
  • And Pogozone installed some of the components of the swim lake/storage tanks wi-fi network. 

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped    384,860
Backwashes    46,200
Net pumped    338,660
Flushing    5,000
Net to distribution    333,600
Residential meters    195,960
Unaccounted for water    137,700
Percentage of loss        41%

January 2018 Operations Report


During this month:

  • Operations staff switched to smartphones.
  • We fabricated and installed a gate post extension at the Water Treatment Plant to expand wi-fi network to the water tanks. 
  • The backhoe fuel tank was repaired by on-site mechanic.
  • We began clearing space in Maintenance Shop for emergency preparedness supplies.
  • Isaac attended the Washington Wildland Fire Summit with Frankie Small on January 31.
  • Mission Communication is putting together a quote to monitor water treatment and storage tank/distribution parameters online.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 382,810
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 331,660
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 326,660
Residential meters: 217,760
Unaccounted for water: 108,900
Percentage of loss: 33%

December 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

DNR visited the Marina dock as part of routine inspection on November 14. The Marina BBQ issue has been resolved; a new metal park BBQ has been received and will be installed for the 2018 season.

This month we completed clearing trees and brush from the northside of the reservoir. A humane beaver trap was purchased with the intent to trap and relocate the beaver at the reservoir. Richie Hudson donated some sand which we used for the swim lake beach.

We are showing moderate leakage and are continuing leak detection throughout the system.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 321,600
Backwashes: 49,500
Net pumped: 272,100
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 267,100
Residential meters: 205,330
Unaccounted for water: 61,770
Percentage of loss: 23%

November 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

DNR visited the Marina dock as part of routine inspection on November 14. The Marina BBQ issue has been resolved; a new metal park BBQ has been received and will be installed for the 2018 season. 

This month we completed clearing trees and brush from the north side of the reservoir. A humane beaver trap was purchased with the intent to trap and relocate the beaver at the reservoir. Richie Hudson donated some sand which we used for the swim lake beach.

We are showing moderate leakage and are continuing leak detection throughout the system.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 353,900
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 302,750
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 297,750
Residential meters: 221,800
Unaccounted for water: 75,950
Percentage of loss: 25%

October 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

Allison began work as Bookkeeper on October 13. This has allowed Isaac to work more on operations projects. During this month we:

  • Replaced three meter heads that were not transmitting radio readings (requiring a manual read).
  • Lowered the swim lake level.
  • Fixed a leak at the upstream pressure reducer located at the base of the swim lake dam (October 28). This may have been the cause of the increase in water loss between September and October.
  • Cleared the reservoir west shore of brush to reduce nutrients in the water supply.
  • The truck has new tires, brakes, and oil change.
  • Winterized the Clubhouse, Marina, and Cabana just in time for a surprise snow in the first week of November. 

In response to the Sanitary Survey in August, we submitted a report to the Department of Health. Regional Engineer Jolyn Leslie has confirmed that LISE has “adequately addressed or provided a schedule for all of the issues identified in the letter/report”.

Water rates were added to the website at as a resource for our members and prospective buyers.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 353,900
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 302,750
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 297,750
Residential meters: 221,800
Unaccounted for water: 75,950
Percentage of loss: 25%

September 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

This month we installed a sampling station near the bulletin board at 1234 Island Drive. On September 21, Isaac attended instrument training class in Arlington. 

The Marina docks were landed at the end of the month between September 22-25. 

As Isaac continued to handle interim office duties during this month, progress on other operations projects has been slowed. 

Although we had a positive report from our Sanitary Survey there are some needs that have to be addressed, including a remote turbidity and chlorine monitoring system that will alert operators by phone text. 

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 352,900
Backwashes: 54,450
Net pumped: 289,450
Flushing: 10,000
Net to distribution: 288,450
Residential meters: 248,120
Unaccounted for water: 40,330
Percentage of loss: 14%

August 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

The Firewise Work Party on August 5 was a success with about 10 volunteers. Mark Sexton provided his large dump trailer for the day and it was filled in about a hour. 

In preparation for our Department of Health Sanitary Survey we installed a flow chart recorder that will be useful in the future to identify leakage. Our rate of usage has drastically reduced because of major leaks repaired in July. We have calculated our leakage rate (percentage of loss) at less than 1%. The numbers have been double-checked to make sure, and this is certainly better than its ever been. 

The Sanitary Survey was done on August 25. While we are still waiting on the report results, the Department of Health engineer said, “this was one of the best maintained facilities she has seen.”

We have spent a lot of time getting ready for the AGM, with a portion of Isaac's schedule taken up with office duties. Happily, we have heard from different members that this was one of the most civil and positive AGM's they have attended.

The Maintenance Shop was broken into sometime between August 26 to 27, and a set of hand tools were stolen. The replacement cost of lost tools is about $1,500.

The volleyball net at the swim lake was replaced for the Labor Day weekend.

Water Usage

Pumped: 477,500    
Backwashes: 67,650        
Net pumped: 409,850
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 404,850
Residential meters: 402,520                        
Unaccounted for water: 2,330        
Percentage of loss: 1%

July 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

This was a successful month for minimizing water loss in the distribution system. On July 7, a major leak was repaired at the south end of Beach Ave. Then on July 18, a second major leak was repaired on the north end of Beach Avenue. Since the repairs, our distribution flow is significantly reduced indicating that August's percentage of water loss will be even less. 

We are on track with preparations for our Sanitary Survey, scheduled for August 25.  

Although we do not have a definitive repair solution, we are working on a plan to repair or replace the Marina barbecue which was damaged this month. 

The new dock gangway is complete and Doug Cash was instrumental in delivering it to the Marina. Installation will be scheduled at the soonest opportunity.

At the Cabana, we have installed hand soap dispensers in the bathrooms, and a new volleyball net has been ordered.

Water Usage

Pumped: 644,630    
Backwashes:  80,850        
Net pumped: 563,780    
Flushing: 5,000            
Net to distribution: 558,780    
Residential meters: 416,470                                
Unaccounted for water: 142,310                
Percentage of loss: 22%

June 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

This month is it was apparent there was a leak(s) in distribution system, and we have progressively been conducting leak detection throughout the system. On June 22, we repaired a leak on Scenic Ave. due to pitting corrosion. In the beginning July we identified and repaired a major leak at the south end of Beach Ave. However our pumping rates are still high and leak detection continues.

We are working with Ferguson to connect our existing distribution meter to a new flow chart recorder. This will be an important element of our leak detection program.

The aluminum ramp has been confirmed and scheduled. It will be about October when the ramp is ready for delivery. Installation will be coordinated at that time.

The marina asphalt project has been approved. We are attempting to coordinate paving repairs so as not to interrupt crabbing season activity.

Isaac completed 3-day training course for WDM Level 2 exams.

We are preparing for our Sanitary Survey which will occur in August.

There was a question about the May 2017 water usage report. The way we figured the numbers was double-checked and correct. May showed a loss of 23%, which is in line with the previous month (April) of 20%.  

Water Usage

Pumped : 644,950    
Backwashes: 67,650          
Net pumped: 577,300    
Flushing: 5,000            
Net to distribution: 572,300    
Residential meters: 299,600                                
Unaccounted for water: 272,700                
Percentage of loss: 48%

May 2017 Operations Report

Operations Report


Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

Received the second dock ramp bid by Mantle Industries. The fire department requested we install a 4 foot width gangway instead of 3 feet. This is $189 more for the aluminum gangway, not including options, delivery, or installation ($3,309). A final decision is pended other incoming bids.

I have completed certification for Cross-Connection Specialist (CCS). Isaac will be attending WDM Level 2 exam review June 28-30.

We installed the new CL17 chart recorder. We are now looking into upgrading the water flow chart recorder.

The DOH Water Use Efficiency Annual Performance Report for 2016 was filed. This reports a 16.4% system leakage which is a huge improvement over previous years.

There was minor vandalism at the Cabana bathrooms on Sunday, May 28. Both “Men” and “Women” signs were ripped off the doors.


Water Usage

Pumped                                   423,800          

Backwashes                             56,100                      

Net pumped                            367,700          

April 2017 Operations Report


 Water Usage

Pumped                                   346,700          

Backwashes                             49,500                     

Net pumped                            297,200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

We have had some minor vandalism at the marina. We have locked everything up for the week.

The docks have beeninstalled for the summer

The roof on the clubhouse has been completed.

We will be starting to paint the decks and railing at the clubhouse this summer.

The training continues . Isaac has passed his first test, is preparing to attend training in June and take his level two tests this summer. I have recommended he also take the training and the test for cross connection control specialist this summer.


March 2017 Operations Report

Operations report for March 2017


Water Usage

Pumped                                   377,920      

Backwashes                             51,150                      

Net pumped                            326,770                                                                                                                                     

The docks will be deployed Monday, May 1 and Tuesday, May 2 due to tidal conditions. The boat ramp will not be available to members on those days.

Chart recorder for the CL17 failed. New chart recorder is $1000 plus shipping and handling.

Isaac set to take his exams at the end of the month. As Department of Health requires a shift position to have 12 months experience, LISECC will need to inform DOH that we intend to apply for a waiver before John retires.

Kevin is scheduled to take the Cross Connection Control test at the end of the month.

Kevin's telephone is dying, he will need a new basic flip phone.

February 2017 Operations Report

Operations report for February 2017

 Water Usage

Pumped                                   328,240          

Backwashes                             46,200                       (x 1650 gals per backwash)

Net pumped                            282,040                                                       

Both Kevin and Issac are signing up for the tests by Doh We have a residents questionnaire ready after Kevin takes the CCCS test.

We are finishing work on the docks. We can remove the dock deployment as a category as the expense for that work should be minimal.

We continue to work on making the water usage data more consistent but I have located several problems in data collection that cannot be over come. We read the source meter at 7:00 am ant the pump meter when the pump shuts down In addition the pump meter is including the water being consumed during the pump run. That amount varies considerably especially on weekends.



January 2017 Operations Report

     Operations report for January 2017

Water usage                            

Pumped                                       378,200

Backwashes                                  52,800

Net pumped                                325,400

The water loss is still out of whack.  We had the source meter tested and it is operating 100 %.  The pump meter in the treatment plant appears to be running at 100 % and yet the two meters do not match. This month is different. We had a huge service line break between the meter and the cabana at the treatment plant during the freeze. We were able to get an accurate number of lost gallons because of the low residential usage and the leak. The lost water is almost exactly the difference in the two meters. We have never been able to pin point the size of a leak before because leaks grow and we cannot estimate the volume of water.  We have had months where we have been to measure the loss without leaks and we lose approximately 50,000 gallons a month. We have talked about this and those are good numbers.

There is a new training session that has started here in Bellingham. It appears to be an informal training by a retired trainer that has moved to Bellingham and is providing training on various issues periodically. There do not appear to be CEU’s awarded but one of the subjects is Water Use Efficiency. I think the training will be at the Whatcom Education Credit Union, a three hour session on a Saturday.



December 2016 Operations Report

Operations report for December 2016

Water usage                             

Pumped                                       373,500

Backwashes                                  51,150

Net pumped                                322,350

We have cancelled the test for the source meter several times this month. We have rescheduled for Jan 26th.

We have found an unusual amount of water usage dating back to October 2016. It is Division 4 lot 37 at the intersection of Hales Passage and Scenic Avenue. The owners have built a small cabin but the water is just a farm shutoff at the road. (A hose bib)  Also the owners haven’t been here for some time and have not used water. The amount of water is 160 gallons in October

We have had several leaks due to freezing. All of them have been on the residential side of the water meters.

Kevin will be attending training at the end of the month. It is for cross connection control specialist. We have to have a CCCS staff or be able to contract for one from outside LISE. We will also need to have a staff certified for back flow assemblies testing. This training goes hand in glove with the CCCS training.  We have been ignoring the state law that says we have to have a certified specialist mainly because we haven’t needed one up until now.

We had six kids (teenagers) on top of the storage tanks. We are reviewing our security options and updating our signage.




Operations Report November 2016

Water usage                             

  • Pumped  375,000 
  • Backwashes  49,500
  • Net pumped  325,500

Source meter                               

  • Flushing  5,000  
  • Net to distribution 320,500
  • Residential meters 243,660 
  • Unaccounted for water 76,840
  • Percentage of loss 24 %

The leak loss is once again misleading. I have had a leaking valve for some time and finally replaced it at the end of the month. Due to the low usage this fall I have been able to estimate that the leak was a total for the month of November approximately 25,000 gallons. That leaves us with 50,000 gallons loss for 28,000 feet of main. Those are good numbers

Someone dropped off three washing machines on Scenic Avenue last month on Scenic Avenue and  after two weeks they disappeared. 

The source meter in the vault was tested on December 13, 2016. We have had it recalibrated.
The reservoir is at overflow. That is a bit early but not out of the ordinary. 


Operations Report October 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 410,000
  • Backwashes 69,300
  • Net pumped 340,700
  • Source meter Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 335,700
  • Residential meters 241,640
  • Unaccounted for water 99,060
  • Percentage of loss 28% 

We finally repaired a leak on Hales Passage that has been a problem all summer. There are no shutoff valves in the area to isolate the leak and I have been working on a solution all this fall. Finally we were able to install a new blow off valve. 

The Whatcom County Health Dept. has changed the availability form to include the building permit number. 

Someone dropped off three washing machines on Scenic Avenue last week. 

I am having the water meter in the vault tested next week. The test cost is $525.00 the warranty has expired on all but the register. A new meter is $1935.00 and a replacement head is $1800.00 we should keep this meter as a backup and purchase a new meter.

Operations Report September 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 433,750
  • Backwashes 79,200
  • Net pumped 354,550
  • Source meter 467,240
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 462,240
  • Residential meters 282,000
  • Unaccounted for water 180,240
  • Percentage of loss 39%

The dock wheels ended up costing $4,000 for the four saddles. That is higher than I had planned but the weight involved made us change from steel to aluminum which added 20% to the cost. The good news is that the dock wheels will pay for themselves within three years. This year we took five hours getting the first dock out of the water and had to wait till the next day to get the second dock out. Joe Smith came to LISE and worked two days helping pull the docks.

Kevin will be attending a free training session in Anacortes on October 20th. It is being put on by the Department of Health and is for filtration.

The double doors at the front of the clubhouse continue to a problem. We were repairing the base and the pin inside the lock jammed. We had to remove the lock and now will have to put a deadbolt in.

The Pax mixers in the storage tanks are giving me some surprising results. I now have a stable dosage, and will be watching as we go through the temperature season to watch for changes.

The first of October is a huge time for us in the treatment plant. This is the end of the third quarter and we service and calibrate all the meters, pumps, injectors, etc

Operations Report June 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 419,600
  • Backwashes 56,100
  • Net pumped 363,500
  • Source meter 491,400
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 486,400
  • Residential meters 314,380
  • Unaccounted for water 171,560
  • Percentage of loss 35%

We now have two price quotes for re roofing the clubhouse. A copy of each has been added to board reports.

Dock wheels are proving to be a huge problem. We realized there are issues with the ramp if we use steel wheels. We need to spread the weight out as much as possible. I am looking into UHMW or Delrin rollers. The other possibility is a wagon with rubber tires.

The first of July is a huge time for us in the treatment plant. This is the end of the second quarter and we service and calibrate all the meters, pumps, injectors, etc. in the first of July We do have one 71/2 HP motor that sounds like bearings going out. I will be asking Glenda to establish and account with Industrial Electric before I take it in. We have a complete preventive maintenance schedule in place.

We have had some residents using huge amounts of water this June. These are not problems or leaks; it has been watering of plants and grass. We work on maximum daily demand, not average monthly usage.