August 2017 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
The Firewise Work Party on August 5 was a success with about 10 volunteers. Mark Sexton provided his large dump trailer for the day and it was filled in about a hour.
In preparation for our Department of Health Sanitary Survey we installed a flow chart recorder that will be useful in the future to identify leakage. Our rate of usage has drastically reduced because of major leaks repaired in July. We have calculated our leakage rate (percentage of loss) at less than 1%. The numbers have been double-checked to make sure, and this is certainly better than its ever been.
The Sanitary Survey was done on August 25. While we are still waiting on the report results, the Department of Health engineer said, “this was one of the best maintained facilities she has seen.”
We have spent a lot of time getting ready for the AGM, with a portion of Isaac's schedule taken up with office duties. Happily, we have heard from different members that this was one of the most civil and positive AGM's they have attended.
The Maintenance Shop was broken into sometime between August 26 to 27, and a set of hand tools were stolen. The replacement cost of lost tools is about $1,500.
The volleyball net at the swim lake was replaced for the Labor Day weekend.
Water Usage
Pumped: 477,500
Backwashes: 67,650
Net pumped: 409,850
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 404,850
Residential meters: 402,520
Unaccounted for water: 2,330
Percentage of loss: 1%