June 2017 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
This month is it was apparent there was a leak(s) in distribution system, and we have progressively been conducting leak detection throughout the system. On June 22, we repaired a leak on Scenic Ave. due to pitting corrosion. In the beginning July we identified and repaired a major leak at the south end of Beach Ave. However our pumping rates are still high and leak detection continues.
We are working with Ferguson to connect our existing distribution meter to a new flow chart recorder. This will be an important element of our leak detection program.
The aluminum ramp has been confirmed and scheduled. It will be about October when the ramp is ready for delivery. Installation will be coordinated at that time.
The marina asphalt project has been approved. We are attempting to coordinate paving repairs so as not to interrupt crabbing season activity.
Isaac completed 3-day training course for WDM Level 2 exams.
We are preparing for our Sanitary Survey which will occur in August.
There was a question about the May 2017 water usage report. The way we figured the numbers was double-checked and correct. May showed a loss of 23%, which is in line with the previous month (April) of 20%.
Water Usage
Pumped : 644,950
Backwashes: 67,650
Net pumped: 577,300
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 572,300
Residential meters: 299,600
Unaccounted for water: 272,700
Percentage of loss: 48%