November 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

DNR visited the Marina dock as part of routine inspection on November 14. The Marina BBQ issue has been resolved; a new metal park BBQ has been received and will be installed for the 2018 season. 

This month we completed clearing trees and brush from the north side of the reservoir. A humane beaver trap was purchased with the intent to trap and relocate the beaver at the reservoir. Richie Hudson donated some sand which we used for the swim lake beach.

We are showing moderate leakage and are continuing leak detection throughout the system.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 353,900
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 302,750
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 297,750
Residential meters: 221,800
Unaccounted for water: 75,950
Percentage of loss: 25%