September 2017 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
This month we installed a sampling station near the bulletin board at 1234 Island Drive. On September 21, Isaac attended instrument training class in Arlington.
The Marina docks were landed at the end of the month between September 22-25.
As Isaac continued to handle interim office duties during this month, progress on other operations projects has been slowed.
Although we had a positive report from our Sanitary Survey there are some needs that have to be addressed, including a remote turbidity and chlorine monitoring system that will alert operators by phone text.
Water Usage (in gallons)
Pumped: 352,900
Backwashes: 54,450
Net pumped: 289,450
Flushing: 10,000
Net to distribution: 288,450
Residential meters: 248,120
Unaccounted for water: 40,330
Percentage of loss: 14%