July 2017 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
This was a successful month for minimizing water loss in the distribution system. On July 7, a major leak was repaired at the south end of Beach Ave. Then on July 18, a second major leak was repaired on the north end of Beach Avenue. Since the repairs, our distribution flow is significantly reduced indicating that August's percentage of water loss will be even less.
We are on track with preparations for our Sanitary Survey, scheduled for August 25.
Although we do not have a definitive repair solution, we are working on a plan to repair or replace the Marina barbecue which was damaged this month.
The new dock gangway is complete and Doug Cash was instrumental in delivering it to the Marina. Installation will be scheduled at the soonest opportunity.
At the Cabana, we have installed hand soap dispensers in the bathrooms, and a new volleyball net has been ordered.
Water Usage
Pumped: 644,630
Backwashes: 80,850
Net pumped: 563,780
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 558,780
Residential meters: 416,470
Unaccounted for water: 142,310
Percentage of loss: 22%