January 2018 Operations Report


During this month:

  • Operations staff switched to smartphones.
  • We fabricated and installed a gate post extension at the Water Treatment Plant to expand wi-fi network to the water tanks. 
  • The backhoe fuel tank was repaired by on-site mechanic.
  • We began clearing space in Maintenance Shop for emergency preparedness supplies.
  • Isaac attended the Washington Wildland Fire Summit with Frankie Small on January 31.
  • Mission Communication is putting together a quote to monitor water treatment and storage tank/distribution parameters online.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 382,810
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 331,660
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 326,660
Residential meters: 217,760
Unaccounted for water: 108,900
Percentage of loss: 33%