May 2017 Operations Report
/Operations Report
Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
Received the second dock ramp bid by Mantle Industries. The fire department requested we install a 4 foot width gangway instead of 3 feet. This is $189 more for the aluminum gangway, not including options, delivery, or installation ($3,309). A final decision is pended other incoming bids.
I have completed certification for Cross-Connection Specialist (CCS). Isaac will be attending WDM Level 2 exam review June 28-30.
We installed the new CL17 chart recorder. We are now looking into upgrading the water flow chart recorder.
The DOH Water Use Efficiency Annual Performance Report for 2016 was filed. This reports a 16.4% system leakage which is a huge improvement over previous years.
There was minor vandalism at the Cabana bathrooms on Sunday, May 28. Both “Men” and “Women” signs were ripped off the doors.
Water Usage
Pumped 423,800
Backwashes 56,100
Net pumped 367,700