Operations Report May 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 474,600
  • Backwashes 52,800
  • Net pumped 421,800
  • Source meter 430,820
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 425,820
  • Residential meters 307,780
  • Unaccounted for water 118,840
  • Percentage of loss 27%

The sweeper broom has died. I’ve researched owner’s manuals and possible parts and there is very little out there even on eBay. Our sweeper is now called a vintage model. The closest sweeper to what we have is $4,500.00 plus tax but free shipping. Anything bigger presents a problem in transportation from the maintenance shop to where we are using it and anything smaller doubles our time sweeping.

I got a quote from Hytech roofing for a TPO roof for the clubhouse. I had planned on just tarring the roof again this year. I called several roofing companies and I couldn’t get anyone else to even submit a bid. Also Hytech is the best at TPO roofing. $17,500.00 plus tax we have to look at the accessibility to the roof by kids if we put the new roof on.

I have talked to the Pax storage tank mixers. After taking several years telling the board we need to circulate the water in the storage tanks, and waiting for the Department of Health to be here and look at it, I have been able to prove out the problem with the storage tanks. I have submitted the disinfection ratio for the last month and high lighted the changes. We will need two mixers (one for each tank) and the total price will be $20,000.00 If the board approves this expenditure I will get the rep to give us an exact quote. (I think we have already set this money aside from reserves) There will be extra costs, ie new conduit up the side of the tank and wiring. I’ll find out if Pax does this work or not. The changes in temp also cause our byproduct issue and mixing will go a long way to eliminating that issue, part of which is stratification.

I am continuing to conduct our own lead and copper tests. We have results back from 14 houses with no problems. I anticipate conducting a total of 25 by the end of the month

Scott Elliot of LISE made contact with Wayne Chaudiere of Lummi Island who is a Resource Specialist with the Whatcom County Conservation District. Wayne is a fire wise specialist with the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program for Whatcom County. We will be discussing the work so far in LISE for the firewise program and what to do to keep this program moving forward.

Operations Report April 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 399,200
  • Backwashes 47,850
  • Net pumped 351,350
  • Source meter 357,900
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 352,900
  • Residential meters 277,030
  • Unaccounted for water 75,870
  • Percentage of loss 22%

We have started taking lead and copper tests. The test we will be taking for submission to the state is scheduled for August. I am going to take 20 or 30 from full time for our investigation and then start working on part time owners. The testing lab needs to get the samples on Monday or Tuesday, and the part time owners want to go home Sunday night. I need the sample taken Monday morning.

We had a major leak in a cabin on Island Drive. The owner is in California and it was a bit hard contacting her, there are renters in the cabin, so we didn’t want to just shut everything off . Also we didn’t know who was going to complete the repair. By the time we got done it was about 40,000 gallons.

I brought photos of the swim lake algae bloom. It’s ugly. We have had those same blooms in the reservoir but not in the last several years. We do run the pump back up until late June and that does circulate and aerate the reservoir.

The docks are in. We didn’t have a crane to assist us this spring, but putting the docks in is far different than taking them out. We did hire Joe Smith for one day to help and that really made things easier. We are waiting to see where we should install the ladder Tim brought out.

If the weather holds we are going to tar the clubhouse roof in late June.

Operations Report March 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 363,700
  • Backwashes 51,150
  • Net pumped 312,550
  • Source meter 321,650
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 316,650
  • Residential meters 230,470
  • Unaccounted for water 86,180
  • Percentage of loss 27%

We have completed all the necessary welding on the boat docks. We will be putting the docks in the water on May 9th and 10th. We have not been able to get a suitable crane to the island so we will be using our own equipment for the launch. Luckily we are putting them in the water, not taking them out.

We will start lead and copper testing next month. Normally we test five locations in a reprehensive pattern throughout LISE. This year we will be taking five samples from one neighborhood getting the maximum coverage for several areas.

We have completed a dechloronation chamber for the waste water. We will be testing over the next month to determine the correct dosage of tablets.

I have been working with Carlson Steel to build a dock cart. They will come to LISE this summer and hopefully I will be able to get a quote or at least a ballpark number before the AGM.

Operations Report February 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped 327,000
  • Backwashes 32,480
  • Net pumped 294,520
  • Source meter 285,720
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 280,720
  • Residential meters 212,270
  • Unaccounted for water 68,450
  • Percentage of loss 24%

We have still done nothing about the flat tire. We are running on the spare.

Mark Henderson from Washington State Department of Ecology came out and completed an inspection. There isn’t anything to inspect but he did ask that we change our reporting procedure slightly. We now identify the days and the volume of our backwash for every day, and the number of backwashes. The more interesting part was the discussion concerning dechlorination of backwash water. The limits of allowable chlorine in backwash are being reduced every year. The good news is it shouldn’t be too difficult to put in a unit. Mark is sending me further information.

We had a small problem with water meters. A resident decided to wash his car with the neighbor’s hose. Unfortunately the owner of the hose is an absent owner who is in Arizona for the winter. Oops. He had his meter shut off but the shut off key was right there. We put a lock on the meter for the owner of the hose. Luckily the offending resident who is a renter moved out so we are not expecting any further problems.

The backhoe repair is growing. The mechanic showed me where the master cylinder and the two slave cylinders are leaking, which was the primary cause of out trouble in the first place. We are changing to have Pape do the repair work on the backhoe instead of the company in Lynden. The cost is about the same and the service is excellent.

We are still having trouble with the final turbidity. The trouble is not significant. It is more fine tuning. I have had the engineer from Wilson Engineering out (this engineer is a recent addition to Wilson Engineering and came from Tacoma water system and knows filtration. Also I have the Hach representative here to look at the turbidity meters. So far nothing. It is looking as if we have too clean of water to start with and second we don’t use enough water in the winter months. It’s a good problem to have to work on.

We received our Water Quality Monitoring Schedule for 2016 and the requirements for this year are less than we budgeted for 2016. I am suggesting we conduct additional tests even though they are not called for by the state for this year

Operations Report January 2016

Water usage

  • Pumped  402,200
  • Backwashes 51,150
  • Net pumped 351,050
  • Source meter 381,130
  • Flushing 6,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 375,130
  • Residential meters 222,180
  • Unaccounted for water 152,950
  • Percentage of loss 40%

We have had one of the heaviest rains this spring. The reservoir is past overflow as is the swim lake but we have not experienced any significant erosion. We have had to dig several drains to meters that are under water.

We need to add a column to the budget for water meters and billing. The costs are minimal now but the electronic meters were purchased in 2011 and after 10 years the warranty is prorated.

The water leak review proved to be a success. There were approximately 10 small leaks, most of which we were already aware of but there were two larger leaks which we have already repaired. Both of these leaks amounted to 20 days of leak in February. That means next months percentage of loss should be at 50,000 gallons. (If we are right.)

The backhoe is scheduled to be taken in for brake repair the last week of February. All water main distribution system will be hand digging until then.

Operations Report December 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 503,040
  • Backwashes 51,150
  • Net pumped 451,890
  • Source meter 467,850
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 462,850
  • Residential meters 227,360
  • Unaccounted for water 235,490
  • Percentage of loss 49%

The reservoir is at overflow.

Utility Services has completed the leak detection survey for us. They located 10 small leaks on service lines and at blow offs, but there were no leaks in any of our mains. There were several areas that we had no way to check primarily due to location and we were able to confirm no leaks in those areas. The most important line is the transmission line from the treatment plant to the storage tanks and that line is in excellent shape with no leaks.

As a result of the leak survey we have begun chasing the found leaks. It takes a bit of extra time due to right of way permits, locates, etc. I anticipate reducing our lost water another .5 gallons a minute.

The Department of Ecology, Office of Dam Safety sent their final report of their inspection this last summer. There are no significant actions needed. There are some additions suggested but no actions required.

Dave Carpenter has retired from Wilson Engineering. I have asked Brian Smith who is a new engineer with Wilson to come to LISE for a review of our system. Specifically, we are experiencing filtration treatment problems and Brian previously worked for the city of Tacoma in filtration. In addition it will be beneficial to have Brian familiar with our system. I will want to review several areas we will want to work on in the future.

Kevin will be attending a training session the first part of February, and I will be attending training the end of March.

Operations Report November 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 552,400
  • Backwashes 49,500
  • Net pumped 502,900
  • Source meter 528,370
  • Flushing 0  

Recorded loss             

  • Net to distribution 528,370
  • Residential meters 200,400 
  • Unaccounted for water 427,970
  • Percentage of loss 62%

The reservoir is at overflow

We had a large leak this month that also caused erosion problems on Hales Passage this month. It took some time to complete repairs and the second leak we have located had to be postponed for repairs for another week. That leak is at the junction of Scenic Ave, Hales Passage, and Hummingbird. We are anticipating problems completing repairs as we will have to shut off a large portion of the north loop main. Also the main in that location is deep and the excavation will be sloppy.

We don’t have a good estimate of the amount of water lost due to the leak, but it clearly shows that one leak in a small system like ours skews the numbers terribly.

Utility Services are scheduled to come conduct their leak detection review on Dec 28, 29, and 30th. 

We are finishing our maintenance program for the year. It’s not a major project but we start the year out in 2016 with a complete calibration, servicing and cleaning of all treatment equipment and conduct a servicing program every three months. This saves us a huge amount of down time for unexpected repairs.

Operations Report October 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 665,700
  • Backwashes 51,150
  • Net pumped 614,550
  • Source meter 460,320
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 455,320
  • Residential meters 250,740
  • Unaccounted for water 204,580
  • Percentage of loss 45%

The reservoir was at minus 6 feet at its lowest point this fall. With the heavy rains we are now at minus 4 feet.

I reported that the CL 17 chlorine meter at the storage tanks has been reporting sensor alerts. We
thought our maintenance had eliminated the problem but the alerts have begun reading again. We will now start out maintenance program again but I will contact Hach our manufacturer for a written quote for purchase and installation.

I contacted Utility Services in Burien for a quote to come to LISE and conduct a collocate leak detection of our system. The cost is $1,205.00 a day. We are anticipating three days to complete an inspection of the entire system, and there will be two nights hotel additional in the quote. The normal leak loss averages 50,000 gallons a month, which is very good. We located and repaired one leak on Beach Ave, and located two others on Hales Passage. The location is a small problem and we have to wait for a locate before we start digging. Those two will be finished next week.

Operations Report September 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 433,750
  • Backwashes 79,200
  • Net pumped 354,550
  • Source meter 467,240
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 462,240
  • Residential meters 282,000
  • Unaccounted for water 180,240
  • Percentage of loss 39%

The dock wheels ended up costing $4,000 for the four saddles. That is higher than I had planned but the weight involved made us change from steel to aluminum which added 20% to the cost. The good news is that the dock wheels will pay for themselves within three years. This year we took five hours getting the first dock out of the water and had to wait till the next day to get the second dock out. Joe Smith came to LISE and worked two days helping pull the docks.

Kevin will be attending a free training session in Anacortes on October 20th. It is being put on by the Department of Health and is for filtration.

The double doors at the front of the clubhouse continue to a problem. We were repairing the base and the pin inside the lock jammed. We had to remove the lock and now will have to put a dead bolt in.

The Pax mixers in the storage tanks are giving me some surprising results. I now have a stable dosage, and will be watching as we go through the temperature season to watch for changes.

The first of October is a huge time for us in the treatment plant. This is the end of the third quarter and we service and calibrate all the meters, pumps, injectors, etc.

Operations Report August 2015

Water Usage

  • Pumped 629,000
  • Backwashes 92,400
  • Net pumped 536,600
  • Source meter 549,570
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 544,570
  • Residential meters 374,540
  • Unaccounted for water 170,030
  • Percentage of loss 31%

The reservoir is now at minus 65" from overflow. At this rate we might see minus 7'. THis is all within normal range and it will provide us an opportunity to see how quickly we recharge this winter.

At the storage tanks, at the beginning of the distribution system we monitor and test the chlorine content of the water with an instrument called a CL 17. That instrument is now 18 years old. Twice in the last week we have received a "sensor warning" on the display screen. We are working with tech support to determine the actual source of the problem but they are saying maybe we need to have a technician come out and look at the instrument as it may be the motherboard. A tech visit will run over $1,000.00 and a new instrument will cost $3,500.00 to $4,000.00. We will continue to work on the problem.

We took the small docks out Friday and hopefully be taking the large docks out October 2nd. This could be a problem if the ferry doesn't come back on schedule. But the forecast for the weather and tide are the best we are going to get. The only hitch would be the crane which we have to schedule.

Operations Report June 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 749,700
  • Backwashes 77,650
  • Net pumped 672,150
  • Source meter 572,950
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 567,950
  • Residential meters 482,710
  • Unaccounted for water 85,240
  • Percentage of loss 15%

With the high temperatures we have had extremely high usage. This was combined with one residence that had a water problem of gigantic proportions. The owners at 1215 Beach are part time and they came to LISE at the last of May or the first weekend of June and when they left the toilet didn’t shut completely, etc long story short by the time we found it was 38,580 gallons. We don’t have a billing for usage that high. The good part is when we found it they immediately came and repaired it.

We had a major electrical problem the weekend of July 11th. A circuit breaker failed and we couldn’t get an electrician until Monday, actually it was Tuesday before we were completely on line. That added up to 70,000 gallons that we had to catch up on. The problem was a delay and when we had the repair, I had the electrician get us a backup delay for inventory.

We have had a request for a new connection on Berry Way. I mentioned this to the board last month saying it might happen and that we need a decision as to billing. This is one of the connections that was already installed but shut off when we installed meters. So the meter box and meter setter are already in. The electronic meter is not installed. The service charge has already been paid but not the electronic meter head which costs $250.00.

In addition, we have put updating water connections off for some time. There are several connections that we need to remove. We will be remove two services in August.

The reservoir is now at minus 32” from overflow. I have not had the pump back on this year at all. I normally expect the level to go to minus 4 feet around the middle of September. When we get to minus 4 feet the pump back only produces 10 gallons a minute so we have to shut it off as it cycles the pump too much. Even with the warm weather the reservoir levels are in the normal range.

Operations Report May 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 679,030
  • Backwashes 55,080
  • Net pumped 618,950
  • Source meter 435,510
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 430,510
  • Residential meters 336,520
  • Unaccounted for water 93,990
  • Percentage of loss 22%

The docks are in. I reported this last month but now the small docks are in also. We already have boat owners putting their boats at the dock and leaving them there for extended periods of time. Crab season in July is when tempers start to rise as far as individuals leaving their boats at the dock.

We painted the clubhouse deck and will be resurfacing the roof hopefully this next month.

Glenda has created a worksheet for use when we are looking at historical individual usage. She cut and pasted the report but it exists as one of the “Master Meter Billing System” reports. We should look at using that system as our billing system. The worksheet has several functions which are also useful to the board.

We are now using significantly higher amounts of water per residence than the winter usage. The only difference for operations is we are now averaging 8 hours pump time per day instead of 4. The additional dosage of chemicals is not significant. The difference is that this last month we had 38 residences usage in tier two and they will be getting an added water bill, which will probably cause some complaints.

Operations Report April 2015

Water Usage

  • Pumped 526,100
  • Backwashes 34,720
  • Net pumped 491,400
  • Source meter 346,740
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 314,740
  • Residential meters 242,490
  • Unaccounted for water 99,250
  • Percentage of loss 32%

The docks are in. We need to install the winch system and dock wheels. I will compile all the material costs this month.

We will be painting the clubhouse dock this month before the social, weather permitting.

The maintenance shop power line has been repaired and we are now waiting for PSE to come and string the line back from the power pole. The original problem was the line crossing the road to the power pole was too low, and the freight truck caught it.

The board needs to have a debit card issued to Glenda. She has to come borrow mine. She isn't complaining but it is obviously inconvenient for her.

Glenda has prepared for me a monthly budget breakdown of expenses that is proving to be very helpful. (I think it's from QuickBooks.) It provides me with expenditures by category to include the ledger by category for the last month.

I had intended purchasing three sampling stations on this year's budget but when I added up the cost of one which included below ground material, fittings, and supports the cost was $1,200.00 for one sampler. I'll wait to see the budget at the end of the year and maybe buy another one next year. I now need two more total.

I am planning replacement of the exterior siding of the vault at the storage tanks this summer. Siding and paint will run $500.00. 

Operations Report March 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 513,700
  • Backwashes 34,720
  • Net pumped 478,980
  • Source meter 314,450
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 309,450
  • Residential meters 219,670
  • Unaccounted for water 89,780
  • Percentage of loss 29%

We have completed our quarterly maintenance of all equipment. This turns into a long process but our down time or operational problems have reduced significantly.

We have completed a large portion of grounds clean up at the cabana and swim lake. The winter winds made a real mess this last year.

We are working on the chimney at the clubhouse. There is some sort of leak from the roof at the
fireplace and we are tarring and sealing the rocks prior to tarring the entire roof this summer. We will be trying to get a cap for the top of the flue.

Our percent of lost water is high again this month. The residential meters read 219,000 gallons for the month. Also of the 217 houses, 75 used zero water.

We are putting any repairs to the lake PRV on hold for the year. We have put enough band aids on the system so the leak has stopped and is holding for now. We now have time to look at long term solutions to the project.

We received our Water Quality monitoring schedule and have submitted asbestos, herbicides, pesticides, gross alpha, and radium 228 tests to Avocet. They are our testing lab. Then we received a notice that our schedule was wrong and we don’t need to take the tests indicated. Oops, that is a bit late. It doesn’t make that much difference as if we don’t do the tests now, we will have to do them next year.

Operations Report February 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 494,500
  • Backwashes 32,480
  • Net pumped 462,020
  • Source meter 289,260
  • Flushing

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 289,260
  • Residential meters 211,950
  • Unaccounted for water 77.310
  • Percentage of loss 27%

We have solved our turbidity problem. I have adjusted the pump rate and the backwash rate, and the spike went away. Now I will be reversing the process to see exactly where the problem is at but for now we are well within allowable limits.

I will be attending the WOW conference on March 24th.

We are moving forward on the clean up of trees at the clubhouse. I read the letter to the board and the resident has to understand this is maintenance that should be completed every year.

I have had two home owners recently ask about the internet access at the clubhouse or the cabana.

Operations Report January 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 530,250
  • Backwashes 50,220
  • Net pumped 480,030
  • Source meter 318,140
  • Flushing 6,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 312,140
  • Residential meters 212,140
  • Unaccounted for water 100,000
  • Percentage of loss 32%

Kevin attended the ERWOW conference in Yakima in February.

I am still working on the turbidity levels in the treatment plant. Last year we had heavy rain in the spring and it took into mid summer before we got control of the turbidity levels. I took several samples, discussed the results with the engineers at the Department of Health, and technical support at ERWOW. This is now an ongoing problem. It clearly is not the reservoir, and I have tried numerous approaches all to no avail.

We are completing as much cleanup on the docks as possible. We should have all of our part of the work done this week.

We pressure washed the steps to the clubhouse and cleaned the clubhouse roof as best we could. The roof and decking needs a full cleaning this summer.

I will be attending the WOW conference in March.