October 2017 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

Allison began work as Bookkeeper on October 13. This has allowed Isaac to work more on operations projects. During this month we:

  • Replaced three meter heads that were not transmitting radio readings (requiring a manual read).
  • Lowered the swim lake level.
  • Fixed a leak at the upstream pressure reducer located at the base of the swim lake dam (October 28). This may have been the cause of the increase in water loss between September and October.
  • Cleared the reservoir west shore of brush to reduce nutrients in the water supply.
  • The truck has new tires, brakes, and oil change.
  • Winterized the Clubhouse, Marina, and Cabana just in time for a surprise snow in the first week of November. 

In response to the Sanitary Survey in August, we submitted a report to the Department of Health. Regional Engineer Jolyn Leslie has confirmed that LISE has “adequately addressed or provided a schedule for all of the issues identified in the letter/report”.

Water rates were added to the website at www.lisecc.com/water-rates as a resource for our members and prospective buyers.

Water Usage (in gallons)

Pumped: 353,900
Backwashes: 51,150
Net pumped: 302,750
Flushing: 5,000
Net to distribution: 297,750
Residential meters: 221,800
Unaccounted for water: 75,950
Percentage of loss: 25%