Minutes June 14, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Remove Clubhouse Reservations from New Business

  • Discussion of AGM moved to the President’s Report

Approval of Minutes: 

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from May 17, 2020 and May 27, 2020. William seconded. Motion passed.

Member Communications:

  • Acct 20008-Note re: Lien Filings.  Discussion of the fact that although LISE has suspended late fees, finance charges and water shut-offs for the time being, we are still proceeding with lien filings as a way to record the debt.

  • Acct 70014 & 70015-Letter re: Bylaw Amendment.  Member expressed his concern that the board is not following the procedure for amending bylaws as set forth in Bylaw 4.7.2.  Discussion of having a Special Meeting after the AGM dedicated to voting on the Amended and Restated Bylaws.


  • President:

    • Discussion of AGM location and date amid Public Health/Whatcom County recommendations. 

  • Finance:

    • Review of 2021 Draft Budget.

    • Ben motioned to allow a transfer from Reserves for Wilson Engineering not to exceed $60,000. William seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Staff is requesting a small boat with a removable motor to carry out operations and water testing in the reservoir, lake, and marina.  William motioned to authorize staff to look for a boat not to exceed $5,000.  Staff will consult with Doug before final purchase.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Jeff discussed a few member communications in response to the recent newsletter.  He is also available to help compose the newsletter for the AGM.

  • Administration: 

    • Discussion of duties of the Corporate Secretary and Executive/Assistant Secretary. 

    • Discussion of new candidates for Board positions.  In order for a member’s name to be included on the ballot, written letters of intent are due by July 15, 2020.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: July 19, 2020 at 9:30 am

  • Adjournment: 11:31am

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of June 14, 2020.

Minutes May 27, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 4:31pm via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda: None

New Business:

  • Review and discussion of Amended and Restated Bylaws

    • The new document does not change the intent of the bylaws but clarifies and eliminates the repetitiveness of the original bylaws.

    • The board members suggested changes and/or edits to the draft document.  Suggested changes will be submitted to our attorney for revision. The board will review the updated document at the June BOD Meeting.

    • Discussion of posting revised document on the website prior to sending AGM materials to the membership.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: June 14, 2020 at 9:30 am

  • Adjournment: 6:09pm

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of May 27, 2020.

Minutes May 17, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Switch order of Operations and Finance Reports

  • Add “Insurance Discussion” to Finance Report

  • Add “AGM Discussion” to New Business

Approval of Minutes:                                                  

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from April 19, 2020 with the amendment that the header is corrected to say that the meeting was held via Zoom Video Conferencing. Sharleen seconded. Motion passed

Member Communications: None


  • President:

    • Coffman Engineering has invoiced LISECC for a total of $13,079.20, but we have not yet received all the deliverables included in the contract.  Doug spoke with Brian Walkenhauer from Coffman Engineering on Friday, May 15 re: recent invoicing and incomplete deliverables.  Discussion of contract between LISE and Coffman Engineering. 

      Brian Walkenhauer joined the Zoom board meeting at 10:00am to discuss Coffman’s contract and invoicing.  Brian insists that Coffman is committed to completing the scope of work that they have contracted with us.  Brian stated that we are not obligated to pay the most recent invoice until the full scope of work is completed.  Total invoicing for consultation and engineering fees is not to exceed $13,000.00. 

      After Brian left the meeting, there was discussion of amending the contract with Coffman Engineering to include a deadline for work to be completed, so that we can meet our obligation to the Department of Ecology on June 1.  William proposed that staff provide the requested information to Carl Garrison by Wed., May 20 and ask Brian for a contract amendment to recognize a delivery date of Thurs., May 28 for all deliverables.  We would also require confirmation from Carl that he has received all of the information that he needs to meet his contractual obligation. 

      Wilson Engineering has stated that they can complete the drawings that we need for the Department of Ecology permit at little additional cost.  Discussion of having both firms complete the project to ensure we meet our deadline.

    • LISECC’s attorney has sent us the draft of the amended bylaws for review.  Discussion of the timeline for submitting AGM materials to the membership and whether there is enough time to thoroughly review the document prior to presenting it for the 2020 AGM.  Discussion of having an additional board meeting focused specifically on a review of the draft of the amended bylaws.

    • Ben will coordinate with William and staff to attach dollar amounts to the water treatment plant projects so that the Reserve Study can be completed.

    • Ben will draft the 2021 budget so that it can be presented for approval at the June board meeting.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Algae may be the culprit in our turbidity problems.  Staff is working with a biologist from a lake management firm that will advise us on a treatment plan using algaecide.  Permit for algaecide will take 60 days. 

    • Review of Funding Options for New Water Treatment Plant provided by Wilson Engineering.  Draft includes cost estimate of $64,000 for Task 2 total.  Discussion of taking out USDA loan to fund new treatment plant.

  • Finance:

    • William moved to transfer $5,646.50 from Reserves for Wilson Engineering Invoice #15301.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

    • Review of new insurance policies.  Bill Knutzen is our new broker and we were recently informed that we got binding from NPIP (Non-Profit Insurance Program).  There is a 5 year window for loss runs and since the claims on our policies were 6 &7 years ago, our premiums have been reduced significantly.  It is expected that we will be saving 50% on insurance in the next year.  Sharleen motioned that Scenic Estates will engage with Guide Insurance Services and their representative, Bill Knutzen, to facilitate our insurance coverage with NPIP and Markel Marine.   William seconded.  Passed.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Jeff discussed sending a special newsletter about the interim board meeting.

  • Administration: 

    • Bylaw Amendment be discussed at the interim meeting along with other bylaw changes. 

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • BOD Vote-Lien Filings.  Ben moved to file liens as per our policies.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Discussion of alternatives to the traditional way the AGM is held due to physical distancing guidelines.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: June 14, 2020 at 9:30 am with the potential of having additional board meeting in 2 weeks.

  • Adjournment: 12:28pm

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of May 17, 2020.

Minutes April 19, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:31am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda: None

Approval of Minutes:                                                  

  • William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from March 15, 2020. Sharleen seconded. Motion passed.

Member Communications:

  • Isaac reported that LISE received funding to pay for a chipper on May 4 as part of  FireWise efforts.

  • Discussion and review of materials for Bound Lot Request for lots 30095 & 30096. William motioned to approve the request for dues relief on lots 30095 & 30096 beginning in 2021. Jeff seconded. Motion passed.


  • President:

    • Our attorney is working on his draft of Part 4 and will get it to us as soon as possible.

  • Finance:

    • Discussion of reclassifying Isaac’s position from an hourly position to a salary position. Ben moved to convert Isaac’s position to an exempt salary position taking his current hourly wage and extending that to an annual salary assuming 40 hours/week and 52 weeks/year. William seconded. Motion passed.

    • A CD with Peoples Bank came up for renewal on April 14. Based on the low interest rate (0.3% for 36 months), we did not renew. Ben motioned to move the funds that recently matured into our WECU Reserve Savings account and not reinvest in a CD at this time. Sharleen seconded. Motion passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Carl Garrison from Coffman Engineering has notified us that he can no longer complete the work on the treatment plant as expected. Wilson engineering has provided a bid re: professional consulting services related to water treatment plant compliance. Ben moved to approve the Wilson Engineering proposal with the amendment of changing the July 1 deadline to June 1 and to continue discussion about closure with Coffman Engineering at our May meeting. William seconded. Motion passed.

    • Turbidity levels are rising again, and it is likely we have exceeded the DOH threshold again. Staff have contacted the state and have asked them to expedite our violation. In the meantime, staff will draft a notice to the membership to let them know that we expect another violation from the state.

    • Discussion of keeping LISECC facilities closed during Covid-19 Stay at Home Orders. Signs will be posted to let members know that facilities are closed until further notice.

    • Large Docks scheduled to go in the water May 11-12. Members should adhere to physical distancing guidelines while using the docks. Sharleen motioned to authorize Kevin and Isaac to close the boat ramp if Whatcom County closes access to their boat launches. Ben seconded. Motion passed.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Newsletter went out last week.

  • Administration: 

    • Discussion of Governing Docs, Part 5-Table conversation until next board meeting.

    • Discussion of amending bylaw to change the requirement that board members must physically attend meetings in order to receive the stipend.

Old Business:

  • Three bids were received for the backhoe.

    • Bid 1-$3,100.00

    • Bid 2-$3,512.00-SOLD

    • Bid 3-$650.00

New Business:

  • Discussion of Late Fees, Finance Charges, Water Shut offs and Liens. Sharleen motioned that as a result of Covid-19, all water shut offs, finance charges and late fees will be suspended and reevaluated on a month to month basis in compliance with the world situation. William seconded. Motion passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: May 17, 2020 at 9:30 am. June meeting tentatively scheduled for June 14, barring any change at the May meeting.

  • Adjournment: 11:33 am

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of April 19, 2020.

Minutes March 15, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Switch order of Operations and Finance Reports

Approval of Minutes:

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from February 23, 2020.  William seconded.  Motion passed.

Member Communications:

  • Leslie Dempsey spoke about the Disaster Preparedness Division of the LIFD.  They have recently created a quarterly e-newsletter and are encouraging people to sign up if they would like to receive it.


  • President:

    • Discussion of Draft Notice of Water Connection Availability.  The letter will be kept on file until such time that the board finds it necessary to distribute it.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Carl Garrison has notified us that he is leaving Coffman Engineering and is starting his own company.  Staff presented four options on ways to move forward.  Discussion of the options.  Ben motioned to authorize “Option 2” which states that we continue to contract with Coffman Engineering until April 3 for $10,000.  This will include finalizing process flow/instrumentation diagram.  Discussion followed.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Finance:

    • Ben looked at our major known expenses for the next 5 years and analyzed where we will be with Reserves and expenses. 

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Discussion of backhoe auction and ways to advertise.  Jeff will post information on NextDoor.

  • Administration: 

    • Discussion of “LISE Staff Comments on Governing Documents Part 4 & 5-Proposed Amendments”.

    • Discussion of supervisory positions and employee chain of command.

    • Discussion of Office Manager Job Description.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Discussion of proposed changes to Part 5 Section

  • Sharleen motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.  Ben seconded.  Passed.  The board went into Executive Session at 11:14 am and came out of Executive Session at 11:27 am.  Labor Law was discussed, but no action taken. 

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: April 19, 2020 at 9:30 am. 

  • Adjournment: 11:27 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of March 15, 2020.

Minutes February 23, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:28 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda: 

  • Move “Firewise Grant Funds” to Member Communication

  • Add “Insurance Renewal” to Finance Report

  • Add “Brief discussion about Salvation Army” to President’s Report

Approval of Minutes:

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from January 5, 2020.  William seconded.  Motion passed.

Guest Forum: Carl Garrison from Coffman Engineering presented his report on the Water System Treatment, Pumphouse, and Discharge Improvements. The report was developed in conjunction with the recommendations by the state in order to meet the terms of the Formal Compliance Agreement. 

One addition to the preliminary report is that LISE should install a Streaming Current Meter.  This device ensures the appropriate dosage rate of chemicals to accommodate the changing turbidity of our water source.

The improvements suggested in the report will automate many of the aspects of the treatment plant, which will allow the Operators to leave the treatment plant and engage in other work while water is being filtered.  If a problem occurs, the plant will automatically shut down and the Operators will be alerted and be able to respond accordingly.

William motioned to approve that Coffman Engineering complete the engineering in an amount not to exceed $35,000, for the improvements as specified in the proposal, with the intention that the board anticipates completing all of the improvements in the proposal.  Ben seconded.  Discussion followed.  Motion passed.

Member Communications:

  • Member email re: Community Updates for Renters.  Discussion of ways to improve communication with renters.

  • Member email re: Notification of plan to install fencing. Jeff will draft a letter to the member.

  • Member email re: Acct. 10402 Late fee waiver.   Discussion of late fees. 


  • President:

    • The Salvation Army reached out again about hooking up to our water system.  Discussion of the best way to respond to their request. 

    • Discussion of 2020 Reserve Study Contract.  Ben motioned to approve the bid for a Level 3 Reserve Study.  Jeff seconded.  Motion passed.

    • Review of the meeting with attorney.

      • Attorney confirmed that we can amend and restate the bylaws to clean up ambiguous language, grammar and punctuation errors.  Once changes are made and approved by the board, we can submit all of Part 4 to the membership for a vote at the AGM.

      • Foreclosures are still moving forward. 

    • Board members are encouraged to review the proposed changes to Part 5 and submit any edits to the full board.

  • Finance:

    • Discussion of insurance renewal.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Review of Water Facility Inventory Report.  We have 3 pending service requests, which would put us at 90% capacity.

    • Backhoe auction (closed bid) will be held at the April 19, 2020 BOD meeting.  Sealed bids should be submitted to the Business Office by Thursday, April 16.  

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Next newsletter will feature article about backhoe auction and information for renters.

  • Administration:

    • Office Manager Job Description-Discussion tabled.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Firewise Preparedness Day will be held on May 2.

  • Quickbooks has increased the ACH fee, but LISECC will continue to charge a $1 flat fee for ACH transactions.  Also, our payroll service no longer supports the version of QuickBooks that we are currently using, so we will have to upgrade to a current version.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: March 15, 2020 at 9:30 am.

Adjournment: 11:53 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of February 23, 2020.

Minutes January 5, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda: 

  • Add Authorization of Expenditure for Jepsen under Operations

  • Add Email Spoofing under Operations

  • Add update on Part 5 under Administration

Approval of Minutes:

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from November 17, 2019 with the addition of “This is a unique situation that we do not anticipate happening in the future.” in reference to Kevin being unable to take vacation.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Member email re: dues clarification.  Members withdrew their request.


  • President:

    • Update on lot discrepancies.  Doug received an email from the attorney, and he would like to see a copy of the short plat. It is possible that the lot in question was grandfathered in, so the next step is to contact the owners and see if they have any documentation regarding the lot. 

    • Discussion of Bylaw and RCW 64.90.530 and the benefits of proposing an annual audit to the membership, rather than a bi-annual audit.

    • The Salvation Army has contacted us again about tying into our water system.  However, we are a non-expanding system, so it could be very cost prohibitive to add them to our system.

  • Finance:

    • Ben motioned that we authorize the removal of Leslie Dempsey as a signer at Peoples Bank and add Ben Twigg (Treasurer), Doug Cash (President), and Jeff Smith (Communications Chair) as signers on all accounts at Peoples Bank.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • In the month of December, turbidity levels remained below 0.3 NTU 95% of the time.  A notice will be drafted to go out to the membership reporting that as of December, we are now in compliance with turbidity levels.  However, the notice will also have to inform the membership that we were in violation for October and November. Four consecutive months of violations triggers a formal compliance agreement between LISECC and the state. 

    • Coffman Engineering has generated a report to address our turbidity issues, compliance issues, and the settling pond permit.

    • A survey is necessary to comply with DOE wastewater permit requirements.  Discussion of bids from Wilson Engineering and Jepsen & Associates.  Ben motioned to approve the Jepsen proposal and authorize a $7800.00 transfer from Reserves for the survey.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

    • Discussion of prioritizing the engineer’s list of improvements.  The engineer is available to attend the next board meeting to make a brief presentation and answer questions.

    • Staff to report about upcoming meeting with the DOH.

    • William motioned to authorize expenditure not to exceed $7000.00 from Reserves to pay Coffman Engineering for work completed.  Ben seconded. Passed.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Next newsletter will include information about DOH and turbidity.

  • Administration:

    • Sharleen submitted proposed changes to Part 4 & Part 5 to the board members.  The goal for the Feb. BOD meeting is to have a discussion of the proposed changes and then submit an updated draft to the attorney for review.  Discussion of how numerous changes to the governing docs will be presented to the membership at the AGM.  It is important to distinguish between grammatical clean-up and substantial changes to the bylaws. Possibly create new bylaw to correct spelling, grammar, etc.  Our obligation is to be in compliance with the law, so a legal review of conformity of gov docs across state/federal laws would be beneficial.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Email spoofing from administration.chair@lisecc.com.  Hackers haven’t seized the account, but spam looks like it is being sent from that account.  Passwords have been changed and other email addresses will be monitored.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: February 23, 2020 at 9:30 am.

Adjournment: 11:42 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of January 5, 2020.

Minutes November 17, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:32 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes:

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from October 20, 2019.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Isaac reported that the 2019 FireWise report has been filed and we are certified for another year. 


  • President: No report.

  • Finance:

    • William, Kevin and Ben conducted Allison’s review and she received high marks. 

    • Discussion of large QuickBooks company file and the best approach to managing it.

    • Review of upcoming CD maturity dates. 

  • Operations/Water:

    • Discussion of Swimlake Dam Spillway Repair Estimate.  William motioned to transfer $8,500 from Reserves to complete the swimlake dam spillway repair.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

    • Turbidity update: The operations staff went to Orcas Island to meet with a longtime operator to discuss ideas for resolving our turbidity issues.  Currently, staff are also jar testing with new chemicals and an engineer has been engaged to evaluate our treatment plant.

    • Discussion of percentage of water loss. As the water usage goes down in the winter, the percentage of loss increases.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • E-newsletter will be sent out this week.  Draft will be sent to the board for proofing.

  • Administration:

    • Gov Doc Update-Discussion of bylaw and whether under RCW 64.90.530, we must have an annual audit.

Old Business:

  • Consideration of Water Reconnection Policy.  Ben motioned to adopt changes to and Part 7 as proposed. Jeff seconded. Passed.

New Business:

  • Ben motioned to transfer $45,000 from Operations to Reserves per our 2019 budget. William seconded.  Passed.

  • Kevin is unable to take vacation this year due to staffing issues.  This is a unique situation that we do not anticipate happening in the future.  William motioned to pay Kevin for three weeks of vacation that would otherwise be lost. Ben seconded.  Passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: January 5, 2020 at 9:30 am. (No meeting for the month of December.)

Adjournment: 11:09 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of October 20, 2019.

Minutes October 20, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:34 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes:

  • Discussion of the content of the minutes.  Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from September 8, 2019.  William seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Letter to LISE requesting bound lot status-The documentation provided does not meet the requirements for granting bound lot status.


  • President  

    • AED costs-Rough estimate for 2 units is $2000-$4000.

    • The water turbidity levels (cloudiness in the water) have exceeded the DOH threshold.  The Operations staff is actively working with the state and other experts in the field to find solutions to bring the turbidity levels down.  LISECC water remains safe and turbidity levels do not necessarily cause health concerns.  However, anyone with specific health concerns should consult their doctor.  A letter will be drafted and sent to the membership by the end of the week.

  • Operations/Water

    • Review of Operations Strategic Plan.

    • Discussion of changes to current water reconnection policy.

  • Finance

    • Review of monthly financial statements.

    • Sharleen motioned that Ben Twigg, Finance Chair and Treasurer, be added as a signer to LISECC financial accounts at each financial institution. Jeff seconded. Passed.

  • Communications/Planning

    • Upcoming newsletter to include information about turbidity levels.

  • Administration

    • Gov Doc Update-The goal is to submit the entirety of our governing documents, with suggested changes, by Feb. 1. for legal review.  The suggested changes will be presented to the membership for a vote at the 2020 AGM.

Old Business:

  • Discussion of discrepancies of lot maps in LISECC.  Information will be submitted to our attorney to seek clarification.

New Business:

  • Consideration of adoption of liability release for use of LISECC facilities.  Current Clubhouse rental form to be updated, as well.  Both forms will be sent to our attorney for review.

  • Discussion of LISECC rules and policies and the best way to encourage members to follow them.

  • Water Disconnection and Lien notices-Sharleen motioned to move forward with water disconnections per our policies.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: November 17, 2019 at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 11:31 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of October 20, 2019.

Minutes September 8, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes:

  • Sharleen motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2019.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Sharleen motioned to approve the draft of the 2019 AGM minutes for release to the membership.  William seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Letter to LISE requesting bound lot status-The member needs to provide additional documentation for application. Table request pending receipt of additional documentation. 

  • Letter to LISE about backhoe-Discussion about necessity for having our own equipment.

  • Swim Lake Safety Equipment-Verbal communication from member about condition of life ring.  Life ring was replaced on 9/06/2019. 

  • Condition of the Cabana Bathrooms-Verbal communication about the condition of the women’s bathroom.  The staff is scheduled to address maintenance issues over the winter.


  • President  

    • We received a letter from Laura McLaughlin at the DOH requesting that we encourage people with concerns about dogs at the lake to work with our Operations staff.  Discussed adding new signs at the lake and investing in dog bag receptacles.

  • Finance

    • Ben will follow up about getting bank accounts and signature cards updated.

  • Operations/Water

    • William reviewed the Operations Report. 

    • Large dock removal is scheduled for October 3.  Small docks are scheduled to be removed on September 19.

    • William motioned to purchase the 2017 Case 580N backhoe based on the quote from Farmers Equipment Co. Ben seconded.  Passed. 

    • William motioned to transfer an amount not to exceed $85,329.50 from Reserves for the purchase of the backhoe.  Ben seconded. Passed.

  • Communications/Planning

    • Jeff intends to begin including things that happen at the board meetings in the newsletter.

  • Administration

    • Discussion of prioritizing goals for the upcoming year.

Old Business:

  • Discussion about a possible solution for reinforcing the clubhouse foundation.

New Business:

  • Review of Outstanding Action Items.

  • Discussion of drafting a release of liability and/or certificate of co-insurance for clubhouse rentals and incorporating it into the established clubhouse rental form. 

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: October 20, 2019 at 9:30am.

  • Sharleen motioned to go into Executive Session at 10:52 am to discuss a complaint against an employee.  Ben seconded.  William opposed.  Jeff abstained.  Motion carried. 

  • No action taken in Executive Session.  Open meeting called back to order at 11:17am.  Complaint made by Sharleen, acting as an individual member of the board, against Isaac.  Sharleen recused herself from the conversation.  Discussion about whether Isaac was an employee or member at the time of the incident.  Determined that Isaac was not on the clock at the time of the incident and therefore, the complaint is not a complaint against an employee, but rather, a member complaint against another member.  William motioned that the board acknowledge that they have received the complaint, but the complaint is not to be put in Isaac’s personnel file and the discussion is closed. Ben seconded.  Passed.

Adjournment: 11:36 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of September 8, 2019.

Minutes August 24, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 3:01 pm at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes: Jeff motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from July 21, 2019.  William seconded.  Passed.

New Business:

  • AGM Voting Results:

    • Doug Cash and Jeff Smith were elected to the board.  William Enoch was confirmed to the board.

    • The 2020 Budget was approved.

    • The audit of the 2019 fiscal year to be performed in 2020 was disapproved.

  • Election of Officers

    • Voting was done by secret ballot.  Doug Cash was elected President and Ben Twigg was elected Vice President.

  • Assignment of Committee Chairs

    • Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman was appointed Administration Chair.

    • Jeff Smith was appointed Communications and Planning Chair.

    • Ben Twigg was appointed Finance Chair.

    • William Enoch was appointed Operations and Water Chair.

    • Ben Twigg was appointed Treasurer and Allison Cash was appointed Corporate Secretary.

  • Account 40035 Payment Plan Request.  Ben moved to approve the payment plan request.  William seconded.  Passed. 

  • Discussion of whether the Cabana should be left unlocked for the week following Labor Day.

Member Communications:

  • Account 10206 wrote a letter notifying the board that they did not receive their AGM notice or mailing. 

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: September 8, 2019 at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 3:33pm

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of August 24, 2019.

Minutes July 21, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:35 am at the Scenic Estates Cabana.

  • Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Appointment of New Board Member: William Enoch provided a brief introduction of himself and his background.  Ben motioned to appoint William Enoch to fill the board position vacated by Paul Dempsey.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

Approval of Minutes: Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from June 23, 2019. Jeff seconded.  William abstained. Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Carol McKinney reported that she spent $20 at the Rummage Sale on supplies for the Clubhouse.  Mentioned that LICA is hosting a Rainwater Catchment System Q & A and requested that we add it to the upcoming newsletter.

  • Isaac Colgan updated on Firewise. On August 8, a representative from the DNR and Whatcom County Conservation District are coming to the island and they are particularly interested in seeing Scenic Estates and our success with Firewise.

  • Letter to LISE about the road easement for Lot 5 in Division 6-Member was at the June board meeting and likely understood that he needs to get a professional survey to determine property lines and easements.  Doug will contact him to confirm.


  • President:

    • No new report.

  • Finance:

    • Review and Finalize Draft 2020 Budget and Supplemental Budget Information

      • The finalized Reserve Study included two supplemental budget information sheets. One is in compliance with WUCOIA and one complies with the Homeowner’s Association Act.  Sharleen motioned to print both of the Supplemental Budget Information sheets and include them in the 2019 AGM packet.  Ben seconded.  Passed. 

      • Sharleen motioned to approve the 2020 draft budget for inclusion in the 2019 AGM packet.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Fire Marshall inspection items have been completed and the Clubhouse has been approved by the Whatcom County building inspector for 99 occupants. 

    • Chlorine Analyzer failed and needs to be replaced.  Ben motioned to authorize a transfer from Reserves of up to $7,000 for the purchase and installation of the Hach CL10 system.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.

    • Backhoe Loader Purchase Comparison-Discussion of pros and cons for used vs.new backhoe.  Discussion on the backhoe tabled until after the AGM. 

  • Communications/Planning:

    • AGM newsletter is printed and ready for mailing.  There was also an article in this month’s Tome featuring Scenic Estates.  In the future, we will try to include the date of the AGM on the Tome calendar.

  • Administration:

    • Proposed Draft of Amendment to Bylaw  Discussion of bylaw revision and pros and cons of current version and revised version.  Discussion tabled until after the AGM.

Old Business:

  • Staff recommendations for LISE marina beach access and canine rules-Discussion tabled until after the AGM.   Use the AGM as an opportunity to get community involved in Dog Committee.

New Business:

  • Review and Finalize the 2019 AGM Ballot.  Jeff motioned to approve the 2019 AGM ballot as written.  Ben seconded.  Discussion of including bylaw changes on the 2019 AGM ballot and the deadline for mailing AGM materials to members.  Passed.

  • Discussion of board members’ AGM presentations.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: August 24, 2019 at 4:00pm

Adjournment: 11:07am

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of July 21, 2019.

Minutes June 23, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:301 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes: Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2019. Jeff seconded.  Doug abstained.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Letter to LISE about road easement for Lot 3 in Division 6-Board recommended that the member have a professional survey of the property done to establish where the property lines exist.  The county is the authority on the boundaries of properties and their easements, not Scenic Estates.

  • Letter to LISE about Marina Dog Policy-Ben will draft response to member and discussion will be tabled until the July BOD Meeting.

  • Isaac Colgan announced that a DNR representative is available to speak at the 2019 AGM about Firewise.  Doug made a motion to add a brief presentation by a DNR representative to the AGM agenda.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Carol McKinney requested $100 on behalf of the social committee to buy platters and serving utensils for use at the clubhouse.  Doug motioned to approve payment of $100.00 to the social committee for the purchase of supplies for the clubhouse.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.  Carol also asked that the fireplace screen be replacedDoug will coordinate with staff to get it replaced..


  • President:

    • Legal Status-no new reports.

  • Finance:

    • Draft 2020 budget needs to be cross-referenced with Reserve Study before being finalized by the board.  Ben will have a final draft ready for approval by the next board meeting.

    • Doug motioned to increase the Operations credit card limit to $5,000.00.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Some materials for constructing new small docks have been purchased, however, other materials are on order and will be here in 7 weeks.  It is expected that the new small docks will be ready for the 2020 season.

    • Consumer Confidence Report is available on the website and was mailed to all members.

    • Discussion of purchasing a new backhoe.Operations staff will continue to research options and present findings in the next couple of months

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Newsletter went out earlier this week and Jeff will begin compiling a newsletter for the AGM packet.

Old Business:

  • Staff recommendations for LISE marina beach access and canine rules tabled until July 2019 board meeting.  Doug stressed the importance of not placing additional enforcement and cleanup responsibilities on staff.

New Business:

  • Water Disconnection and Lien Notices-Doug motioned to move forward with water shut-offs per our policies.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Paul Dempsey resigned from the board effective at the end of the June 23, 2019 Board of Directors’ Meeting.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: July 21, 2019 at 9:30 am     

  • Executive Session at 10:22 am to discuss resignation.  Back in session at 10:57.  No action taken.

Adjournment: 10:57am

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of June 23, 2019.

Minutes May 19, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: Doug Cash

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes: Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from April 28, 2019 approved.

Member Communications:

  • Clubhouse Erosion Observations by Jeremy Wolf, Vice President of GeoTest Services.  The short term risk to the clubhouse foundation is that intense storms and wave action could erode the soil and the bedrock and damage the embankment.  Also, the root systems of the trees on the corner are significantly undermined and the trees should be removed.  Discussion of possible solutions, both long and short term, including applying for an emergency repair classification (risk of failure in three year time frame) and the potential of designating the clubhouse as a historic building.


  • President:

    • Legal Status-no new reports.

  • Finance:

    • Review of 2020 draft budget.  Based on draft, 2020 dues will remain the same ($725.00)

  • Operations/Water:

    • Review of Chris Immer’s proposal for the replacement of the small docks.  Ben motioned to transfer up to $45,000 from Reserves for the replacement of both small docks.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Newsletter went out last week and we now have 92 subscribers.

  • Administration:

    • Discussion of action plan for Governing Documents going forward.

Old Business:

  • Discussion of marina beach access and canine rules.  Ideas include permit tags, brochure with rules, pet waste bag dispenser and depository, and LISECC sign indicating dog area.  Possibly bring the issue to the community at the AGM so that members can take a more active role in the enforcement of the rules and clean up. 

New Business:

  • Payment Plan Request for account 30075.  Ben motioned to counterpropose new payment schedule to member based on revised plan. Sharleen second.  Passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD meeting: June 23,2019 at 9:30am.

  • Executive Session at 11:16 am.  Back in session at 11:46am.  Minor budget changes were made in executive session, however, current draft proposal will keep the dues at $725.

Adjournment: 11:49am

Click here to see a table of the action items as of May 19, 2019 to be completed by board members.

Minutes April 28, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:31 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None

Approval of Minutes: Sharleen motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2019. Ben seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • ·Firewise Report from Isaac Colgan, Firewise Resident Leader.  A reminder that Firewise Day is on May 4, 2019 at 10am at the LISECC Cabana.  There will be short presentation by Scott Josiah, former Head of Forestry in Nebraska. 


  • President:

    • Our attorney has responded that the language in Bylaw is ambiguous as to whether the Corporate Secretary and Treasurer must be board members.  He states that since the board has a history of interpreting the bylaw to mean that the secretary and treasurer can be any individual member, it is reasonable to continue to do so. Doug motioned to continue with Leslie Dempsey as Treasurer and Allison Cash as Corporate Secretary.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

  • Finance:

    • Ben motioned to move $5,779.08 from Reserves to Operations to account for what has been paid to Huizenga for the clubhouse asphalt repair.  Doug seconded.  Passed. 

    • Discussion of credit card processing and the obstacles of our current system.  Ben motioned to authorize the transition from Intuit/Quickbooks Credit Card Processing to Stripe. Doug seconded.  Passed.

    • Leslie Dempsey submitted her resignation as LISECC treasurer.

    • We received our 2019-2020 insurance renewal quote from Rice Insurance for $48,803.59.  Approval to bind has been signed and will be sent to Rice Insurance on Monday.

    • Reserve Study needs to be scheduled.  2019 budget includes $3,200 for Standard Level 2 with a site visit. Reserve specialists need a board approved 2020 budget before they will issue the reserve study.

    • Ben motioned that we transfer $6,900 to Reserves based on overstated 2018 expenses.  Doug seconded. Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Contractor who volunteered to replace the clubhouse doors was injured and cannot complete the replacement.  We have the doors and all the hardware, but we need a licensed contractor to complete the project.

    • We have received two pre-estimate bids for 2 small docks: Jesse from Surowiecki Brothers Construction-$35-48,000.  Chris Immer and Duncan McLane-$45,000/materials and labor.  Doug made a motion to proceed with contacting Chris Immer and Duncan McLane to solidify a bid for the replacement of the two small docks.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

    • Review of the Clubhouse Erosion Report.  Jeremy Wolf has offered to present his observations at the next board meeting.  The main issue is that hillside erosion is compromising the clubhouse foundation.  Also, drainage from the gutters is washing soil away, so gutters need to be redirected.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Latest e-newsletter went out last week. 

  • Administration:

    • Clarification of Officers of the Community-Previously discussed during President’s report.

    • Discussion of canine water access at the marina.  Pet committee will meet to discuss pros and cons of allowing dogs at the marina. 

Old Business:

  • Dues Relief Application for lots 20022 and 20023.  Sharleen motioned to accept the binding of accounts 20022 & 20023 and grant dues relief. Ben seconded.  Passed.

New Business:

  • Ben moved that we proceed with water disconnections on May 13, 2019 following posting of door notices.  Doug seconded.  Passed.

  • Doug motioned to appoint Ben Twigg as Treasurer.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD meeting: May 19, 2019 at 9:30am.

  • Executive Session at 11:05 am.  No action taken.

Adjournment: 11:36am

Click here to see a table of the action items as of April 28, 2019 to be completed by board members.

Minutes March 24, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda: 

  • Add Report on Revised 2018 Year End Financials

  • Member Communications to precede Reports

Approval of Minutes: Doug motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from February 24, 2019.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Mark Sexton presented a letter and materials to apply for dues relief on lots 20022 and 20023.

  • Firewise Report from Isaac Colgan, Firewise Resident Leader.  On May 4, 2019 (National Firewise Day) firewising events will be held at the Cabana and the LISECC storage yard (top of Island Dr. at the lake).   

    • Western Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) has a grant opportunity with a maximum of $300,000.  Isaac is working with the Lummi Island Fire Department to complete the application.  If it is won, the grant would be coordinated by the LIFD and a portion would be utilized to fund fuel reduction services in Scenic Estates.


  • President:

    • The board voted unanimously (via email) to dismiss the claims against LIHA in order to finalize the last of the court proceedings.  Other foreclosures are moving along, but currently, there are no new developments.

  • Administration

    • Discussion of Operations Manager role and how it is portrayed in our governing documents.

    • Discussion of whether the Corporate Secretary and Treasurer must be board members.

    • Discussion of dog policy at the lake and marina.  DOH has stipulated that there are no domestic animals at the lake and surrounding watershed.  At the marina, possibly allow dogs during certain hours. 

  • Finance

    • 2018 Federal Tax Return has been filed.

    • Standing monthly Finance Committee meeting scheduled for two weeks before each BOD Meeting.

    • 2019 budget overview to be included in next newsletter

    • Report opening new bank account issues-deferred until next month

    • Report on 2019 Reserve Study process-deferred until next month           

    • Report on 2020 draft budget process-deferred until next month

    • Report on Revised 2018 Year End Financials-deferred until next month

  • Operations/Water

    • Clubhouse parking lot paving is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2019.

    • The contractor for the Clubhouse door project has requested final payment for materials.   

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Next newsletter will feature information about Firewise Work Party.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Other Business: Next BOD meeting scheduled for April 28, 2019 at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 10:44am

Click here to see a table of the action items as of March 24, 2019 to be completed by board members.

Minutes February 24, 2019

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Guest Forum: None

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  Administration report will be the final report given as it requires the most time. 

Approval of Minutes: Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from January 20, 2019.  Doug seconded.  Passed.


  • President:

    • On Friday, February 22, 2019 there were two hearings involving LISECC before the Whatcom County Superior Court; one for foreclosure proceedings and one for LIHA.  The LIHA hearing was held to finalize the Superior Court case that preceded the Federal case.  Jessica Goldman reported that the hearing concluded with summary judgement and dismissal with prejudice of the claims between LIHA and LISECC.  Following this hearing, Jessica will be withdrawing as our attorney and Greg Thulin will continue as attorney of record.

    • In the foreclosure proceedings, the judge narrowed down the claims of the case leaving the only issue left to be resolved is how much is owed. 

  • Finance

    • Ben motioned to authorize Julie Harkness to prepare 2018 Form 1120 Federal Income Tax Return.  Doug seconded.  Passed.

    • Ben motioned to authorize Leslie and himself to open a new membership with Sound Credit Union with Doug Cash (Operations Chair),  Ben Twigg (Finance Chair),  and Leslie Dempsey (Treasurer) as signers.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.  Sharleen motioned to amend the previous motion to add the title of each signer. Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • We will begin replacing the doors for the clubhouse at the end of March/early April, depending on the contractor’s schedule.

    • Discussion of looking into ATV or UTV with a plow that could also be used as an additional vehicle by the Operations staff year round.  It is important to have this equipment available so that the Operations staff can complete their duties during inclement weather.  Doug will begin researching utility vehicles and bring a proposal to the next BOD meeting.

    • Small Dock Replacement- A meeting is scheduled with Bellingham Marine for Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 9:30. 

  • Communications/Planning:

    • New email newsletter coming out by the end of next week.

  • Administration:

    • Discussion of employee and Director duties and responsibilities.  There are discrepancies between titles and job descriptions in the governing documents that need to be clarified so as to accurately reflect the way the board and staff currently operate.  In doing so, however, flexibility and discretion must be retained in order to ensure that each board has the ability to adapt to changes. 

    • Discussion of staff positions and moving more of a supervisory role to the Operations Manager.

Member Communications: None

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Other Business: Next BOD meeting scheduled for March 17, 2019 at 9:30 am.  Sharleen motioned to move the next BOD meeting to March 24, 2019 at 9:30 am. Doug seconded.  Passed.

Adjournment: 11:10 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items as of February 24, 2019 to be completed by board members.

Minutes January 20, 2019

Board of Directors Meeting

Guest Forum: None

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None 

Approval of Minutes: Doug motioned to approve the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2018.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

Member Communications:

  • Note from Member re: accepting credit cards and year-end balance.  The board is aware of both points made by the member are currently working on them.

  • Sharleen received a telephone call from a member, but will address the member’s concerns during Administration Report.

  • Member inquired whether there was any new information regarding the Bureau of Land Management’s plan for Carter Point. She would like to start a committee to discuss the impacts of adding access to Carter Point and how that would affect Scenic Estates. Member is going to reach out to other community members and report on progress.


  • President:

    • Foreclosure Updates:

      • LlLCO hearing is scheduled for Jan. 25 at 1:30pm.

      • LIHA lawsuit-Oral arguments are scheduled for Feb. 22 at 1:30pm in Whatcom County Superior Court.

      • We have attempted service on one member for foreclosure 4 times, but the member has avoided the process server each time by refusing to answer the door.  Discussion of whether it is best to continue with service attempts or proceed with service via posting/mailing instead.  Board consensus is to move ahead with posting/mailing service.

    • A summary review of Bylaws and Policies can be done in our attorney’s office and is estimated to cost $200-$300.  The intent is to target items that are superseded by County and State law and remove them from our governing documents, as well as to look for contradictions in the Bylaws, Policies and Rules and Regulations.

    • Water Availability Letter to membership has been updated to reflect the current number of available water connections.  It was noted that it is possible to apply for more connections, but it could be a lengthy and costly process. 

  • Administration:

    • Sharleen received a telephone call from a concerned Scenic Estates member regarding clarification of the duties and responsibilities of LISE employees. 

    • Sharleen proposed that a dog walking path be created near the lake area to help ease tensions within the community of residents who reside there.  Discussion followed resulting in Ben and Sharleen investigating the formation of a pet committee.

  • Finance

    • Review of Year End Financials and recommendation for additional deposit into Reserve account(s).  Doug motioned to transfer $60,000 from WECU Operations Checking to Reserve accounts as recommended by Ben and Leslie. Ben seconded. Passed.

    • Key Bank CD matured on January 19, 2019.  Leslie will close the CD and transfer the funds to one of our other bank accounts.  Doug motioned to remove Mark Sexton as a signer from People’s Bank CD(s) and add Ben Twigg and Doug Cash.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed. 

    • In January, $8,000 was transferred into WECU Audit Expense Account as designated by 2019 budget.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Review of the Clubhouse Door Replacement Estimate.  Doug motioned to transfer no more than $8,000.00 from reserves to move forward with Bob Miller’s plan (in coordination with Isaac and Kevin) for the Clubhouse door replacement.  Jeff seconded.  Passed.

    • Review of updated Water Facilities Inventory Report.  Discussion of the difference between Recreational service and Residential service.  Further discussion of how active connections are calculated vs. ERUs (Equivalent Residential Unit). 

    • Art Thomas and Isaac Colgan volunteered to be on the Marina Committee to oversee the management of the marina, with Doug as the committee chair.

  • Communications/Planning: No report

Old Business:

  • Doug motioned to approve the Bank Signer Policy with the amendment to clarify that the treasurer may or may not be a board member. Sharleen seconded.  Passed.

New Business: None

Other Business:

  • Sharleen motioned to move next BOD Meeting to February 24, 2019 at 9:30 am.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

Adjournment: 11:48 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items as of January 20, 2019 to be completed by board members.

Minutes December 9, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Guest Forum: None

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:31 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None 

Approval of Minutes: Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from November 18, 2018 approved.

Member Communications:

  • Member asked if the water usage rates meet our maintenance and operational needs. It was noted that water fees (RTS and usage) have never been intended to fully cover operational expenses.  Member also asked about cost per gallon and looking at more progressive rate structure to encourage conservation.  It was suggested that we could form a sub-committee to review rate structure before next budget cycle. 


  • President: No report

  • Administration: No report

  • Finance

    • Leslie reported that she and Ben are the signers for the new PSCCU account.  Leslie proposes that we transfer Key Bank reserve funds into a CD or savings account at PSCCU to be our opening deposit. 

    • Ben moved to authorize the transfer of Operations funds from Key Bank to WECU Operations and reserve funding from Key Bank to PSCCU.  Doug seconded.  Passed.

    • Doug motioned to move $45,000 from WECU Operations to WECU Reserve account.  Ben seconded.  Passed.

    • Ben moved to authorize Doug Cash to close all Key Bank accounts except the CD’s.  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.

    • Discussion of draft policy for signers on accounts.  The policy will be voted on at next BOD meeting.

    • Ben made the following motion:

      • It is hereby resolved this 9th day of December, 2018 that Lummi Island Scenic Estates Community Club (“LISECC”) authorizes Leslie Dempsey, Ben Twigg and Doug Cash to be signers for each of its financial accounts, including all checking, savings, CD’s, credit card, and loan accounts at the following institutions:

        • Whatcom Educational Credit Union

        • Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union

        • People’s Bank

        It is further resolved to remove Jeff Smith as a signer from the aforementioned accounts and institutions.

        Doug seconded. Passed.

    • Discussion of credit card payment options.  Ben moved to proceed with QuickBooks Desktop credit card processing service and charge a 4% surcharge and $1 ACH Transaction Service Fee.  Doug seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • Doug motioned to authorize Kevin to purchase 40 water meters and transfer an amount not to exceed $8000 from reserves.  Sharleen seconded. Passed.

    • Water Facilities Inventory data was presented to the board.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Jeff is drafting an email to the membership to encourage opt-in for the e-newsletter. 

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Solicitation by Rice Insurance to add earthquake insurance to our policy, but we will wait until May when insurance package is renewed.

  • Doug motioned to authorize staff to shut off water on account #40058 on 12/20/18 following posting of door notice.  Jeff seconded.  Passed. 

Other Business:

  • Next board meeting is scheduled for January 20th, 2019 at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 11:05 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members.

Minutes November 18, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Guest Forum: None

Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg

  • Board members absent: Doug Cash

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:  None 

Approval of Minutes: Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from October 21, 2018 approved.


  • President

    • Tax Foreclosure Sale cancelled on Account 50026.  Member also paid delinquent LISECC accounts in full.

  • Administration: No report

  • Finance

    • Discussion of signers on bank accounts and drafting a policy to address the issue. 

    • Ben motioned to authorize Leslie Dempsey to open membership at Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union (PSCCU).  Sharleen seconded.  Passed.  Ben made a motion to amend previous motion and add Leslie Dempsey and Ben Twigg to be signers on new account at PSCCU. Sharleen seconded. Passed.

  • Operations/Water: No report

  • Communications/Planning:

    • First email to membership sent out and well received.  The goal is to send out an email to the membership at least monthly.

Member Communications:

  • Discussion of Tim Slater’s letter re: Option to opt in to the WUCIOA.  In addition to the information in the letter, it was noted that LISECC would be required to issue Resale Certificates for new buyers, which could be a costly process (paid for by the seller). 

Old Business:

  • Discussion of potential by-law changes to comply with WUCIOA.  Ultimately, it is two separate issues.  The first issue is whether we should conduct a legal review of our Governing Documents. The average range of cost for a legal review is between $5,000-$10,000.  The second issue is deciding whether to actually opt in to WUCIOA.  Best route may be to have bylaws reconciled to bring them in line with current legislation, without making significant changes to our Governing Documents. 

New Business: None

Other Business:

  • Next board meeting is scheduled for December 9th at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 10:55 am.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members.