Minutes November 17, 2019
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:32 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board members present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, William Enoch
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes:
Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from October 20, 2019. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Member Communications:
Isaac reported that the 2019 FireWise report has been filed and we are certified for another year.
President: No report.
William, Kevin and Ben conducted Allison’s review and she received high marks.
Discussion of large QuickBooks company file and the best approach to managing it.
Review of upcoming CD maturity dates.
Discussion of Swimlake Dam Spillway Repair Estimate. William motioned to transfer $8,500 from Reserves to complete the swimlake dam spillway repair. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Turbidity update: The operations staff went to Orcas Island to meet with a longtime operator to discuss ideas for resolving our turbidity issues. Currently, staff are also jar testing with new chemicals and an engineer has been engaged to evaluate our treatment plant.
Discussion of percentage of water loss. As the water usage goes down in the winter, the percentage of loss increases.
E-newsletter will be sent out this week. Draft will be sent to the board for proofing.
Gov Doc Update-Discussion of bylaw and whether under RCW 64.90.530, we must have an annual audit.
Old Business:
Consideration of Water Reconnection Policy. Ben motioned to adopt changes to and Part 7 as proposed. Jeff seconded. Passed.
New Business:
Ben motioned to transfer $45,000 from Operations to Reserves per our 2019 budget. William seconded. Passed.
Kevin is unable to take vacation this year due to staffing issues. This is a unique situation that we do not anticipate happening in the future. William motioned to pay Kevin for three weeks of vacation that would otherwise be lost. Ben seconded. Passed.
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: January 5, 2020 at 9:30 am. (No meeting for the month of December.)
Adjournment: 11:09 am.
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of October 20, 2019.