Minutes April 28, 2019
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:31 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes: Sharleen motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2019. Ben seconded. Passed.
Member Communications:
·Firewise Report from Isaac Colgan, Firewise Resident Leader. A reminder that Firewise Day is on May 4, 2019 at 10am at the LISECC Cabana. There will be short presentation by Scott Josiah, former Head of Forestry in Nebraska.
Our attorney has responded that the language in Bylaw is ambiguous as to whether the Corporate Secretary and Treasurer must be board members. He states that since the board has a history of interpreting the bylaw to mean that the secretary and treasurer can be any individual member, it is reasonable to continue to do so. Doug motioned to continue with Leslie Dempsey as Treasurer and Allison Cash as Corporate Secretary. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Ben motioned to move $5,779.08 from Reserves to Operations to account for what has been paid to Huizenga for the clubhouse asphalt repair. Doug seconded. Passed.
Discussion of credit card processing and the obstacles of our current system. Ben motioned to authorize the transition from Intuit/Quickbooks Credit Card Processing to Stripe. Doug seconded. Passed.
Leslie Dempsey submitted her resignation as LISECC treasurer.
We received our 2019-2020 insurance renewal quote from Rice Insurance for $48,803.59. Approval to bind has been signed and will be sent to Rice Insurance on Monday.
Reserve Study needs to be scheduled. 2019 budget includes $3,200 for Standard Level 2 with a site visit. Reserve specialists need a board approved 2020 budget before they will issue the reserve study.
Ben motioned that we transfer $6,900 to Reserves based on overstated 2018 expenses. Doug seconded. Passed.
Contractor who volunteered to replace the clubhouse doors was injured and cannot complete the replacement. We have the doors and all the hardware, but we need a licensed contractor to complete the project.
We have received two pre-estimate bids for 2 small docks: Jesse from Surowiecki Brothers Construction-$35-48,000. Chris Immer and Duncan McLane-$45,000/materials and labor. Doug made a motion to proceed with contacting Chris Immer and Duncan McLane to solidify a bid for the replacement of the two small docks. Ben seconded. Passed.
Review of the Clubhouse Erosion Report. Jeremy Wolf has offered to present his observations at the next board meeting. The main issue is that hillside erosion is compromising the clubhouse foundation. Also, drainage from the gutters is washing soil away, so gutters need to be redirected.
Latest e-newsletter went out last week.
Clarification of Officers of the Community-Previously discussed during President’s report.
Discussion of canine water access at the marina. Pet committee will meet to discuss pros and cons of allowing dogs at the marina.
Old Business:
Dues Relief Application for lots 20022 and 20023. Sharleen motioned to accept the binding of accounts 20022 & 20023 and grant dues relief. Ben seconded. Passed.
New Business:
Ben moved that we proceed with water disconnections on May 13, 2019 following posting of door notices. Doug seconded. Passed.
Doug motioned to appoint Ben Twigg as Treasurer. Sharleen seconded. Passed.
Other Business:
Next BOD meeting: May 19, 2019 at 9:30am.
Executive Session at 11:05 am. No action taken.
Adjournment: 11:36am
Click here to see a table of the action items as of April 28, 2019 to be completed by board members.