Minutes March 15, 2020
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, William Enoch, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Switch order of Operations and Finance Reports
Approval of Minutes:
Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from February 23, 2020. William seconded. Motion passed.
Member Communications:
Leslie Dempsey spoke about the Disaster Preparedness Division of the LIFD. They have recently created a quarterly e-newsletter and are encouraging people to sign up if they would like to receive it.
Discussion of Draft Notice of Water Connection Availability. The letter will be kept on file until such time that the board finds it necessary to distribute it.
Carl Garrison has notified us that he is leaving Coffman Engineering and is starting his own company. Staff presented four options on ways to move forward. Discussion of the options. Ben motioned to authorize “Option 2” which states that we continue to contract with Coffman Engineering until April 3 for $10,000. This will include finalizing process flow/instrumentation diagram. Discussion followed. William seconded. Passed.
Ben looked at our major known expenses for the next 5 years and analyzed where we will be with Reserves and expenses.
Discussion of backhoe auction and ways to advertise. Jeff will post information on NextDoor.
Discussion of “LISE Staff Comments on Governing Documents Part 4 & 5-Proposed Amendments”.
Discussion of supervisory positions and employee chain of command.
Discussion of Office Manager Job Description.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Discussion of proposed changes to Part 5 Section
Sharleen motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. Ben seconded. Passed. The board went into Executive Session at 11:14 am and came out of Executive Session at 11:27 am. Labor Law was discussed, but no action taken.
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: April 19, 2020 at 9:30 am.
Adjournment: 11:27 am.
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of March 15, 2020.