March 25-April 20, 2023 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period:
Distribution leakage investigation on Beach Ave
Installation of dog waste posts
Repair/refinish Cabana womens restroom floor and toilet flange
Cleaned gutters
Flushing section 4
Pond weed removal and swim lake stop logs installed
Boat ramp algae removed and Clubhouse stairs pressure washed and parking lot swept
Calibration of online and portable analyzers
Replaced all calibration standards
Formatting the vertical profiling data for Wilson Engineering
Upcoming Projects:
Continue leak locating and distribution repairs
Replace anodes on docks
Sourcing a correlator for purchase or rental to assist in leak locating
Collect quote for a Reservoir sample station dock
Replace mirrors in Cabana restrooms (vandalism from last year)
Install Marina and Cabana security cameras
Scheduled the electrician to correct the wiring in the Clubhouse (Late May)
March 2023 Water Usage (in gallons)
From storage tanks 591,700 Chlorine monitoring feed (0.178 gpm) 7,946
Net to distribution 583,754
Flushing 3,000 Residential meters 251,173
Unaccounted for water 329,581 Percentage of loss 57% Average gallon per minute loss 7.4