Are You Aware That LISE Has An Emergency Siren?

If you’re in Scenic Estates – or probably anywhere south of the Lummi Island Fire Station – you will be treated to a test of the siren this coming Thursday, April 4 (planned for around noon) and again on Thursday, April 11 (no time set yet). This is only a test necessitated by a plan to move the switch to a new location.
The siren is located at the maintenance/shop building on Island Drive, near the intersection with Cedar Avenue. Its purpose is to alert the community of emergency situations. The switch for the siren is being moved to a new location – offering an opportunity to test the system to ensure it is fully functional both before and after the move. The tests are being coordinated with the Fire and Sheriff’s Departments. To the best memory of current staff, it has been many years since the siren has been tested. This is a good opportunity to determine that, when it is needed, it will be fully functional.
In the case of an actual emergency consult the disaster preparedness plan for your community/neighborhood. There is information on disaster preparedness available on the LISE website here and a link to the Lummi Island Fire Dept info here. Please keep in mind that in an actual emergency situation, communication and internet access may be disrupted. Printing out the disaster preparedness plan and information and assembling in a binder with your evacuation kit or emergency rations is a good idea. Joining in the Map Your Neighborhood efforts is also critical to sharing resources and helping neighbors in the event of an emergency.