What’s next for the issues on Carol Lane?
/With scheduled court proceedings already concluded and a few still on the docket, we’ve accomplished much in our efforts to reclaim community property on Carol Lane. Access has been restored with removal of the gate and damages have been awarded for cleanup of the mess created with the trees in the lake and the gravel piled on the roadway.
The Motion for Summary Judgment and Permanent Injunction requested by LISE has resulted in the court upholding the motion in total against Wolfe and in large part against Nimon. The court’s full decision is available here.
We need your help, once again…attend the next (and hopefully the last) court date on January 31st.
Wolfe has entered a Motion for Retrial and a Motion for Reconsideration with the court. There will be a hearing on January 31 on these matters. Community participation in the last court proceeding was instrumental in showing the court that these issues are of direct concern to the residents and membership of LISE.
If you can spare the time, please attend in person. If needed, remote login is available for attendance via Zoom. We will send notice and login information once again prior to the court date. Participation by the affected membership is an important component in showing that the actions of the defendants are of concern to the community as a whole.
Login information:
WCSC Dept3 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Judge Grochmal's Civil Motions Calendar
Time: This is a recurring meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 1201 1351
Passcode: 113601
We are hoping that tis will be the ‘last gasp’ of the appeals on this matter and we will be able to put the whole issue to rest once and for all.