Clubhouse Seacliff Coastal Geologic Analysis

Coastal Geologic Services (CGS) performed a site visit to the Lummi Island Scenic Estates (LISE) clubhouse to complete an evaluation of the stability of the rock and soil that the clubhouse building sits on, with the focus being on the east/southeast side of the building and foundation. The work in this phase included a review of geologic and other mapping, review of historical aerial and ground photos, a site visit with hand excavation, observations, and measurements, and a written summary of initial findings and recommendations. This phase of work focused on findings and recommendations relative to cliff/bank stability and the anticipated general recession rate for the rock seacliff abutting the southeast side of the building. This work did not include any design or specific construction details or specifications.

Jim Johannessen, Licensed Engineering Geologist and MS and Avery Maverick, Licensed Geologist and MS of CGS performed a site visit to the clubhouse on December 20, 2021.

This memo gives a general summary of site conditions relative to geologic and coastal hazards, with conclusions and recommendations: Download PDF here.

Presentation by Jim Joannessen, Coastal Geologic Services, Inc. at the Lummi Island Scenic Estates Board of Directors meeting on February 27, 2022.