2021 AGM Voting Results
/The LISECC Annual General Meeting was conducted with a Vote-By-Mail Election Process in accordance with current Covid-19 precautions. See 2021 AGM materials and board candidate statements here.
Board of Directors (for two open positions)
Steven Brown: 38 votes
Scott Elliott: 20 votes
Timothy Robinson: 53 votes (approved)
Jeff Smith: 69 votes (approved)
The board met on Saturday, October 30 to elect and appoint officers:
President: Ben Twigg
Vice-President: Jim Coats
Secretary: Jeff Smith
Treasurer: William Enoch
Committee Chairs:
Admin: Jim Coats
Communications & Planning: Jeff Smith
Finance: William Enoch
Operations & Water: Timothy Robinson
2021 DWSRF Loan
Approve: 92 | Disapprove 2
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan for the pre-construction phase of the LISECC water treatment plant replacement.
2022 Budget and Dues
Approve: 91 | Disapprove: 3
The proposed Budget will set dues at $660 per year, having a total income of $469,938 and expenses of $420,088. Dues do not include the existing DWSRF loan, RTS, and water usage fees.
Audit of financial statements of the 2021 Fiscal Year
Approve: 8 | Disapprove: 81
The board is not recommending an audit of the 2021 fiscal year. The last audit was finalized in August 2021 for the 2020 fiscal year.