Minutes June 17, 2017
/Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
CALLED TO ORDER: by Mark Sexton at 9:35 a.m.
PRESENT: Mark Sexton, Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey, Tim Slater, and Don McCuiston
VOTING STATUS: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum
APPROVAL of MINUTES: Leslie made a motion to approve the 5/21/17 BOD minutes. Don seconded. Passed. Cash abstained since he was absent.
FINANCE: Leslie states that according to the profit and loss everything is on track. The insurance is over budget because we switched from paying monthly to paying the whole balance so this amount includes the insurance through May 2018.
ADMINISTRATION: Tim states that we are on track for the AGM and getting the bylaw proposals mailed out.
COMMUNICATION AND PLANNING: Don discussed the internet usage at the clubhouse. We currently are still under the usage. Don also discussed the Cabana and there being a lot of usage and kids vandalizing. Kevin will have Isaac check into prices for security cameras. People are parking at the other side of the lake and leaving garbage. Don will contact Pogozone to follow up with if they were interested in putting their radar on the water tower for a discounted internet rate.
OPERATIONS: We have a second bid for the ramp and making it wider. Suggested using the bid by Mantle Industries since the other’s scheduling is way out there. Tim made a motion to accept the bid up to $5,000 which doesn’t include delivery and install. Cash seconded. Passed. Kevin completed his certification for cross connection specialist and Isaac will be attending WDM Level 2 exam review June 28-30. We installed the new CL17 chart recorder. We are now looking into upgrading the water flow chart recorder.
Leslie made a motion to accept Don’s weather station he donated to Scenic Estates. Cash seconded. Passed.
Unfinished Business: None
Action items: Leslie made a motion to have the accountant remove John’s sick time as a liability in payroll and to have it stated in the minutes that May 24, 2017 is his retirement date. Tim seconded. Passed.
New items: None
The next board meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.
Tim made a motion to go into executive session for about 5-10 minutes to discuss communications with our legal counsel regarding litigation. Cash seconded. Passed.
The board went into executive session at 10:45 a.m. and came out of executive session at 11:06 a.m. without any action being taken by the board.
Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.