Minutes March 19, 2017
Subject to approval and correction at the Board of Directors’ Meeting on April 23, 2017
CALLED TO ORDER: by Mark Sexton at 10:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Mark Sexton, Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey, Gloria Maxwell, and Tim Slater
VOTING STATUS: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tim made a motion to approve the 2/19/17 BOD minutes. Cash seconded. Passed. Gloria abstained since she was absent.
COMMUNICATIONS: A member sent in his concern about the new water tier structure regarding the tier price jumps. Discussed the water tier structure and how we took previous water readings into consideration while putting together the new tier structure. We will continue to review this every year. We will also have to figure out where to hold the next AGM.
FINANCE: Leslie discussed we are on target and all the expenses seem to be routine expenses. Brought up the insurance renewal that is up in May and whether we should be shopping around. Think it might take a couple years to get the insurance rates down. Leslie discussed forming a finance committee to begin work on the budget. Meredith volunteered to help with the budget and Cash will help. The 2016 tax return is complete and the payment has been made.
ADMINISTRATION: Tim discussed the bylaws and when it was presented that the board members be changed from 7 to 5 the term length wasn’t addressed on the ballot. The simplest way is to change section from changing anywhere it referenced the length of term to 2 years. Discussed whether it should be retroactive. It is stated that each topic needs its own bylaw change.
Tim made a motion to change the next BOD meeting to April 23rd, Cash seconded. Passed.
Gloria will contact the social committee to hold a social event for April 23rd after the board meeting.
OPERATION: Kevin and Isaac are signed up to take their tests with the DOH. We are finishing work on the docks and can remove dock deployment as a budget category for 2018 since the expense should be minimal. Cash suggested cleaning up the tables and deck outside for the social event. John discussed getting estimates for the blacktop and the ramp to the docks.
Unfinished Business:
Action items: Leslie discussed lot #40009 we have sent a certified letter and water shut off notice and had no response. Cash made a motion to post a water shut off notice on the door and give him a week to sign a payment plan or pay in full. Leslie seconded. Passed.
Lot #20006 is delinquent on their payment plan which was due on 3/1. Tim made a motion to shut off water if we have not received payment on the end of the business day Thursday (30th) staff will shut off water Friday morning. Cash seconded. Passed.
The next board meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.
Leslie made a motion to go into executive session for about 15 minutes to discuss personal matters relating to employee evaluations. Tim seconded. Passed.
Executive session began at 11:15 a.m. and adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Motion: After going back into open session, Cash made a motion to form an employee review committee. Tim seconded. The motion Passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned: 11:45 a.m.