Minutes November 20, 2016


 Subject to approval and correction at the Board of Directors’ Meeting (on JANUARY 22, 2017)

MEMBER CONCERNS:  None                 

CALLED TO ORDER:  by Mark Sexton at 9:34 a.m.

PRESENT: Mark Sexton, Leslie Dempsey, Tim Slater and Gloria Maxwell

EXCUSED:  Doug Cash

VOTING STATUS:  All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Tim made a motion to approve the October 23, 2016 BOD minutes. Leslie seconded. Passed.                       




ADMINISTRATION:  Tim has nothing to report

COMMUNICATIONS & PLANNING: Gloria has nothing to report

FINANCE:  Leslie presented the revised rough draft for policy #7, which hopefully simplifies things.  It was decided that credits will be deducted from the annual amount depending on what type of credit it is and then figure out the monthly payments.  Payments will be applied to the oldest invoice first.  There was discussion regarding the coupon books and there were a couple edits.  Leslie makes a motion to order the 2017 coupon books with the edits of including the lot number and the total annual payment amount on the front page.  Gloria seconded.  Passed.

Leslie made a motion to approve the amended policy #7, Gloria seconded.  Passed.  This will be mailed out with the coupon books.

OPERATION: Cash is absent.  Mark would like to report that the board had a conversation with John last month and the Board will get someone in to train with John after the first of the year.  John would like someone in by March for training and the best transition.  Mark states we had the water meter tested for accuracy which will cost about $500.  A new meter will cost over $2000.00.  This could affect the percentage of loss.  We have had outside people come and look for leaks and haven’t found any.  John will have the meter tested first. The roof is done and looks great.  The chimney is on hold until we get warmer weather.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:   There was discussion on the proposals for the website.    Isaac will provide the photographs with his estimate, is cheaper and lives on island.  Gloria made a motion to approve Isaac Colgan’s proposal for the LISECC website.  Leslie seconded.  Passed.

Discussion on the water tier structure.  Mark would like to table it until the next meeting to give more time to review it.


Action Item:  Mark states that they still need to update the signer cards at Key Bank.

The next board meeting is scheduled for December 18, at 9:30 a.m.       

Meeting Adjourned:  at 11:15 a.m.