Minutes October 23, 2016

Minutes of the Board of Director's Meeting October 23, 2016



CALLED TO ORDER: by Mark Sexton at 9:40 a.m.

PRESENT: Mark Sexton, Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey, Tim Slater and Gloria Maxwell


VOTING STATUS: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cash made a motion to approve the 9/18/16 Board minutes. Dempsey seconded. Passed. Tim Slater & Gloria Maxwell abstained since they were absent.



ADMINISTRATION: Tim Slater has nothing to report.

COMMUNICATIONS & PLANNING: Gloria Maxwell has nothing to report.

FINANCE: Leslie presented a rough draft of policy #7 simplifying and making it less confusing. This will be compliant with the Rules and Regulations as well as the Bylaws and address the payment options as well as how payments and credits will be applied. The Board Members will go through these and it will be sent out before the next billing cycle.

OPERATION: Cash discussed the website and getting a couple bids to get a new one. Leslie will have someone from the island contact Glenda regarding setting up a new website. Also,talked about a member blocking the utility easement that people have been using as a pathway. Mark said it just can’t be a permanent structure and can be moved if we need to access it. Cash will suggest his neighbors discuss it with him first. Cash said the double doors need to be replaced at the clubhouse and suggested sliding doors to get more light in. We will put plywood on it for now to cover the holes. Cash said it worked getting the docks out and saved a lot of money. The casters didn’t work because they didn’t go in a straight direction. Talked about getting tracks in so the wheels can go in the tracks and will need to get some type of base in so they don’t sink. Cash said the huge rain we had took a lot of rock out around the road and will need to contact the county to come maintain the roads. Mark talked about having a mason come out and look at the roof at the clubhouse. The roof is done but there are no gutters on.

Unfinished Business: Need to update signer cards at the bank

NEW BUSINESS: Leslie stated the grange hall’s occupancy level is only 49 so we need to find a different location for the AGM. Suggested using the Cabana. 

Mark moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss employee issues. Cash seconded. 

The next board meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. 

No Motions were made during executive session.

Meeting Adjourned: at 11:10 a.m.