Minutes April 18, 2021

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Add Trail Update-Member Communications

  • Add Reserve transfer for turbidimeter-Finance Report

Approval of Minutes: 

  • Ben proposed the following edit to the March 28, 2021 Minutes to add clarity re: the DWSRF Preconstruction Loan:

    • “This loan would have 0% interest and a 2% origination fee.  It would be repayable over up to 10 years, but we would plan to roll it and the existing DWSRF loan into a larger USDA loan, which would fund the construction of the new treatment plant.”

    William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes as amended from March 28, 2021. Ben seconded.  Passed.

  • Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from March 31, 2021. Jim seconded.  Passed.

Member Communication:

  • National Firewise Day is Sat., May 1st.  Wildfire Prep Day Chipping Project is Mon., May 3rd.  It is notable that WA State DNR is interested in LISECC for a WUI (Wildland Urban Interface) in the westside of WA.  This year, King 5 may come out with a news crew on May 3 and do a quick profile of the neighborhood while the chipping service is coming through. This will give us a higher profile as a Firewise community and may help us get additional grants.

  • Leslie updated on the trail that she proposed at the March 2021 BOD meeting.  After speaking to someone at the county, Leslie was told that we would need a Land Use Disturbance Permit ($500), which would need to include a topographical map with delineations of where the Aiston Creek runs through.  Leslie estimates that it would cost $700-$800 to complete the trail project.  Alternatively, rather than developing the trail, Leslie has offered to put a bench (that she will donate) in an area of the lot where there is already a clearing. The board agreed to this suggestion.


  • President:

    • There is a leak in the water service line to the Clubhouse.  It will be labor intensive and expensive to replace the whole line.  For now, Kevin suggests that they proceed with fixing the leak, rather than replacing the entire line.  Once we have a  proposal for the cost to replace the entire line, the board can make a more informed decision about how to proceed.

    • Clark Circle Update-We need a civil engineer before we engage a contractor.  Based on new county regulations, the grade of the road may require a heated road, which would make this project exponentially more expensive.  Ben motioned to authorize Isaac to reach out to civil engineers and enter a time and materials agreement for up to $3000 for the initial planning phase of Clark Circle.  Isaac is also authorized to reach out to the county as a next step.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Finance:

    • On a cash basis, we have collected about 54% of our total budgeted income for the year and have spent about 23% of our total expense budget.  These numbers are similar to other years.

    • Ben motioned to approve a transfer from Reserves for the turbidimeter for $2,286.98 from Hach.  William seconded.  Passed.

  • Operations/Water:

    • After a recent break-in at the maintenance shop, we need to replace the door with a new steel door.  The estimate for the door replacement is $2,007.25.  Ben motioned to approve materials, transportation, and $350 labor for the maintenance shop door replacement.  Jim seconded.  Passed.

    • Turbidity numbers are rising again.

    • PRV replacement-It has been difficult to get industrial plumbers to respond. 

  • Communications/Planning:

    • No report

  • Administration:

    • Discussion of calling a special meeting to vote on the approval of the DWSRF Preconstruction Loan.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Ben moved to proceed with lien action as outlined in the lien status report. William seconded.  Passed.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: May 16, 2021 at 9:30am.


Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of April 18, 2021.