Operations Report October 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 665,700
  • Backwashes 51,150
  • Net pumped 614,550
  • Source meter 460,320
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 455,320
  • Residential meters 250,740
  • Unaccounted for water 204,580
  • Percentage of loss 45%

The reservoir was at minus 6 feet at its lowest point this fall. With the heavy rains we are now at minus 4 feet.

I reported that the CL 17 chlorine meter at the storage tanks has been reporting sensor alerts. We
thought our maintenance had eliminated the problem but the alerts have begun reading again. We will now start out maintenance program again but I will contact Hach our manufacturer for a written quote for purchase and installation.

I contacted Utility Services in Burien for a quote to come to LISE and conduct a collocate leak detection of our system. The cost is $1,205.00 a day. We are anticipating three days to complete an inspection of the entire system, and there will be two nights hotel additional in the quote. The normal leak loss averages 50,000 gallons a month, which is very good. We located and repaired one leak on Beach Ave, and located two others on Hales Passage. The location is a small problem and we have to wait for a locate before we start digging. Those two will be finished next week.