Operations Report September 2015

Water usage

  • Pumped 433,750
  • Backwashes 79,200
  • Net pumped 354,550
  • Source meter 467,240
  • Flushing 5,000
  • Net to distribution 462,240
  • Residential meters 282,000
  • Unaccounted for water 180,240
  • Percentage of loss 39%

The dock wheels ended up costing $4,000 for the four saddles. That is higher than I had planned but the weight involved made us change from steel to aluminum which added 20% to the cost. The good news is that the dock wheels will pay for themselves within three years. This year we took five hours getting the first dock out of the water and had to wait till the next day to get the second dock out. Joe Smith came to LISE and worked two days helping pull the docks.

Kevin will be attending a free training session in Anacortes on October 20th. It is being put on by the Department of Health and is for filtration.

The double doors at the front of the clubhouse continue to a problem. We were repairing the base and the pin inside the lock jammed. We had to remove the lock and now will have to put a dead bolt in.

The Pax mixers in the storage tanks are giving me some surprising results. I now have a stable dosage, and will be watching as we go through the temperature season to watch for changes.

The first of October is a huge time for us in the treatment plant. This is the end of the third quarter and we service and calibrate all the meters, pumps, injectors, etc.