Operations Report April 2015

Water Usage

  • Pumped 526,100
  • Backwashes 34,720
  • Net pumped 491,400
  • Source meter 346,740
  • Flushing 5,000

Recorded loss

  • Net to distribution 314,740
  • Residential meters 242,490
  • Unaccounted for water 99,250
  • Percentage of loss 32%

The docks are in. We need to install the winch system and dock wheels. I will compile all the material costs this month.

We will be painting the clubhouse dock this month before the social, weather permitting.

The maintenance shop power line has been repaired and we are now waiting for PSE to come and string the line back from the power pole. The original problem was the line crossing the road to the power pole was too low, and the freight truck caught it.

The board needs to have a debit card issued to Glenda. She has to come borrow mine. She isn't complaining but it is obviously inconvenient for her.

Glenda has prepared for me a monthly budget breakdown of expenses that is proving to be very helpful. (I think it's from QuickBooks.) It provides me with expenditures by category to include the ledger by category for the last month.

I had intended purchasing three sampling stations on this year's budget but when I added up the cost of one which included below ground material, fittings, and supports the cost was $1,200.00 for one sampler. I'll wait to see the budget at the end of the year and maybe buy another one next year. I now need two more total.

I am planning replacement of the exterior siding of the vault at the storage tanks this summer. Siding and paint will run $500.00.