August 18-September 22, 2023 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period:
Located & repaired a substantial main line break
Sealed Clubhouse roof around chimney, replaced ceiling tiles
Onsite meeting w/ Colonial Metal Works for the reservoir dock project
Cabana shower valve replacement and repairs
Section 4 flushing
Continued work on DOE Dam action items, signed with Jepsen for survey and monument work
Various customer leaks found and customers notified
Grounds keeping
Filter maintenance and troubleshooting
Various DOH, Wilson Engineering and water committee meetings
Upcoming Projects:
Replace filter media and jar test new coagulant chemicals
Remove docks
Establish new WUE Goals and provide membership with public forum for discussion
Continue leak detection and distribution repairs
Repair Cabana bathrooms
Electrician to correct the wiring in the Clubhouse and various WTP projects (pending availability)
August 2023 Water Usage (in gallons)
Total Water Produced 660,200 Chlorine monitoring (0.178 gpm) 7,946
Flushing 3,000
Metered Usage 475,630
Other (Chlorine residual testing, BW) 45,865 Authorized Consumption 532,441
System Leakage 127,759 Percentage of loss 19.4% (2.5% decrease from July) Average gallon per minute loss 2.9
September lab results pending.