Clubhouse Renovations to Begin in January 2024

It’s been a while coming, but work is scheduled to begin the first week in January on the foundation repairs. During this time there are liable to be worker vehicles and construction materials staged in the parking areas. Concrete deliveries and pumping/pouring will also require use of the parking areas exclusively. Please bear with us during construction – there will be closures to the parking areas as needed to facilitate the work.
While the LISE Clubhouse facility will be closed during renovations, none of the work is anticipated to require closure of the beach and marina areas, just be aware that access will be best achieved via Shank’s Mare (on foot) and observe care and a safe distance from any equipment and construction materials that may be present. A separate walking path that skirts the upper parking area is available and the best way to access the beach and marina area. For the duration, if the signs say the parking area is closed, please leave the car at home.