Community Forum to Discuss 2023 Proposed Assessment (Audio)

The LISECC Board of Directors will be hosting a Community Forum to discuss the pros and cons of a special assessment for funding the upcoming renovation of the LISE Clubhouse foundation. The Forum is scheduled for Sunday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. The forum will be held at the Clubhouse and via Zoom; login information is below.

At the LISECC Board of Directors’ meeting on Sunday, March 26, the board voted to propose an assessment for funding the repairs to the foundation of the Clubhouse. This assessment is subject to a vote of the membership pursuant to Washington State RCW 64.90.525 that requires a majority of all eligible voters to reject the proposed assessment.

The proposed assessment is for $170,112.00 and is assessed to each member lot within Lummi Island Scenic Estates. The assessment can be paid in a lump sum of $385.00, in equal installments of $32.08 over 12 months or, by application to the business office, in equal installments of $16.04 over 24 months.

The full funding plan

As we have been discussing for many months now, renovations to the LISE Clubhouse will cover three main issues: the foundation renovations, drainage improvements/culvert replacement, and bringing the decks surrounding the clubhouse up to current building code requirements.

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the funding for the needed renovations and repairs to the LISE Clubhouse area would be split into two streams. The special assessment covers the funding for the foundation alterations required to ensure the continued safety of the Clubhouse. The drainage improvements/culvert replacement and the deck improvements would be funded through the LISE reserve accounts.

To be clear, the Clubhouse foundation repairs are being treated separately from the drainage/culvert renovations and bringing the deck up to current code standards. The proposal acknowledges that initial funding of the three issues will be through dispersal of funds from LISE reserve accounts. The special assessment will be used for replenishment to the reserve accounts of the amount advanced for the foundation repairs over the length of the assessment. Maintaining adequate funding in our reserve accounts is a statutory responsibility of the Board of Directors.

We hope you’ll join us for a full and open discussion of all aspects of the proposed plan. The next step in the process is for a vote of the membership to either accept or reject the proposed assessment. That vote, tentatively scheduled for May 21, 2023, will be the subject of another notification together with the materials and information required for voting in person or by mail.

Thanks for your attention to this critical opportunity to learn about these issues and bring your opinion and vote to the issue.