Special Meeting of the Membership Minutes May 21, 2023

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Starting with Call to Order

Call to Order:  by President Jim Coats at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse

Board Members present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Lisa Machalski (via Zoom), David Canterman (via Zoom)

Board Members absent: None

Staff present:  Kevin Southworth and Allison Cash

Voting Status:  18 members checked-in, 103 absentee ballots received, and 9 proxies received. Quorum.

Welcome and Introductions: Jim introduced himself and explained that the purpose of the special meeting is to vote on the proposed special assessment of $385.00 per lot.

Doug Lilyroth addressed the board and the membership to assert his contention that the assessment is not necessary.

Isaac Colgan spoke to the board and the membership to present his viewpoint that LISE has the money for the Clubhouse foundation repair in reserves and should not implement an assessment.

New Business: None

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47am.


Allison Cash
General Manager, Lummi Island Scenic Estates

2023 Special Meeting Vote Tally

One-Time Clubhouse Assessment

Approve Disapprove

Ballot 12 7

Absentee Ballot 53 50

Total 65 57