Minutes April 23, 2023
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Jim called the hybrid meeting to order at 9:31 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Lisa Machalski (via Zoom), & David Canterman (via Zoom)
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth, Nick Kluge
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –March 26, 2023
Community Forum Minutes-April 16, 2023
March 2023 Financial Reports
Staff Operations Report
Tim commended the operations staff for taking on so many projects this month. Tim motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, the March 26, 2023 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes and the April 16, 2023 Community Forum Minutes. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications
Jim read letters from the following members:
Gary & Barbara Boulanger (2 letters) re: Special Assessment & Reserves
Doug & Att Lilyroth re: Assessment for Clubhouse Repairs (Presented their letter in person.)
Cathie Benjamin-withdrew her letter as her points were addressed at the Community Forum on April 16, 2023
Ron Hertel re: Hybrid Meetings & Transparency
Jon Leathers re: Special Assessment
Denise Aliment re: Special Assessment
Judd Williams & Anne Bonaparte re: Reserve Study
SaraBrooke Benjamin re: Special Assessment
Scott Steiner re: Special Assessment
Mark Sexton re: Rules and Regulations on Installing Water Service on Lots (Part & Bylaw
Isaac Colgan re: 2023 Reserve Study and Clubhouse Assessment
Board Reports
Reserve Study-The 2023 Reserve Study contract is available. Jim proposed that the Board of Directors participate in a 1-hour information session with the Reserve Specialists.
Special Assessment-Jim made a recommendation to the board that they move forward with presenting the Special Assessment to the membership for a vote on May 21, 2023.
General Manager Report
Allison participated in a meeting with Wilson Engineering and U.S.D.A. Rural Development to discuss the process for applying for a U.S.D.A. loan for the construction of the Water Treatment Plant.
Schedule Special Membership Meeting-Jeff motioned to place before the membership the Board’s proposal to fund the LISECC Clubhouse foundation repairs and renovations and fund it with withdrawals from the reserve accounts to be repaid through a special assessment of the membership totaling $170,112.00. The assessment is for $385/lot, payable in a lump sum, or equally spread over payments for a period of 12 months. Repayment may be extended to a 24 month period upon application to the Business Office. This motion seeks a vote of the board to proceed with a Special Meeting of the Membership to approve the assessment of $385/lot. Further, the Board is asked to convene a Special Meeting of the Membership prior to the regularly scheduled LISECC Board of Directors’ Meeting on May 21, 2023 where the vote will be tallied. Should the Board vote to approve the motion, notices will be prepared and ballots distributed to the membership in accordance with the LISECC Bylaws. Lisa seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.
The Election Committee is in place and will be reconvened for the purpose of the Special Meeting.
Jeff reviewed the process for voting.
Tim motioned to approve the Agenda, the Proxy Vote Form, and the Official Ballot for the Special Meeting of the Members scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 9:30 am. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Draft Audit Package-Lisa will review.
Wilson Progress Report-March 2023 was received.
Clubhouse Permitting Update- Shoreline Exemption Permit is still being processed.
Update on Foreclosures-We have received one Litigation Guarantee for the foreclosures. The remaining 4 are expected soon.
New Business: None
Old Business: None
Other Business:
Next Meeting: May 21, 2023 at 9:30 am. The Special Meeting of the Membership (Hybrid) will be followed by the regularly scheduled Board of Directors’ Meeting for May.
Adjournment: Lisa motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:03 am. Jeff seconded. All in favor.