Minutes April 16, 2023
/Community forum to discuss 2023 proposed special assessment
Call to Order: Jim called the Community Forum to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Lisa Machalski, & David Canterman (via Zoom)
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
New Business:
Jim welcomed LISECC members to the forum and stated the rules of the forum.
Jeff reviewed the history of the Clubhouse erosion issues and the current proposed assessment of $385 per lot to fund the Clubhouse foundation restoration. A special meeting for voting on the special assessment is tentatively scheduled for May 21, 2023.
The following LISECC members signed in to speak and were given 3 minutes each to address the proposed Special Assessment:
Sharon Grainger
Doug Lilyroth
Ron Hertel
Louise Weber
David Hamiter
Mark Sexton
Ken Swanson
Chris Parker
Isaac Colgan
Patrick Vincent
Cathie Cousineau
SaraBrooke Benjamin
Doug Cash
Kevin Southworth
Jerry Crawford
Forum adjourned at 11:09 am.