Minutes August 23, 2022
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into two parts.
Call to Order: Ben called the meeting to order at 7:31 pm via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth (joined after meeting called to order)
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Add “Property Sales” to Old Business
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –July 24, 2022 & July 28, 2022
July 2022 Financial Reports
July 22-August 19, 2022 Operations Report
Tim motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the July 28, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Allison noted that in the July 24, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes, under the Finance report, the motion for a Reserve Transfer states the WRS invoice 158424 was $5979.00. However, it should read $5973.00. William motioned to approve the July 24, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes as amended. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications:
Email received from Robert DiNello re: Clubhouse Activities. The board recognized the receipt of the communication and will discuss the issue during a subsequent agenda item.
Isaac Colgan addressed the board to make known his concerns about the clubhouse septic system.
Leslie Dempsey addressed the board to thank Ben for his years of service on the LISE Board of Directors. She also noted how well attended the Zoom board meetings have been and she hopes the board will continue to offer Zoom meetings to encourage community engagement.
Board Reports:
AGM Planning
Small Water System Management Plan-Tim motioned that the Small Water System Management Plan be removed from the AGM agenda, but made a priority in the next calendar year by the board. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Amended Bylaws- Jim stated the amended and restated bylaws will be ready to be submitted to the board for acceptance in September and ready for a vote of the membership at the 2022 AGM.
2023 Operating Budget -William reviewed the 2023 Draft Operating Budget. Proposed budget grows by $44,000 in expenses. The primary reason for increase in expenses is staffing. As a result of increased staffing expenses, the 2023 budget includes a dues increase from $660 in 2022 to $810 in 2023. Ben analyzed the last 10 years of dues and indexed them within the context of 2022 dollars. With that in mind, the proposed 2023 dues are in line with other years. Tim moved that we adopt the budget and propose it to the membership at the AGM. Jim seconded. Ben reiterated that it is an operating budget. It does not reflect any capital expenses, or any costs associated with the clubhouse repair. Tim withdrew his motion.
William moved to adopt the proposed Operating Budget for 2023. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Clubhouse Special Assessment-Tim presented the estimates for the clubhouse foundation and deck repair. The estimated project cost is $255,000.
Prior to the AGM, the board would like to host a forum to answer member questions about the assessment and the necessary repairs.
Discussion of the septic system at the clubhouse. The Health Department is not one of the agencies that need to sign off on the permit for clubhouse repairs. William motioned that the board approve a potential assessment of $770 per lot for the purpose of renovation of the clubhouse, deck and foundation, potentially split between 2 years for $385 per year. Jim seconded. All in favor. After the vote, it was brought to the board’s attention that dues paying lots are not the same as assessment paying lots. Each lot is invoiced for an assessment, regardless of bound lot status.
Jeff motioned to rescind the previous motion until the numbers have been confirmed. William seconded. All in favor. In order to give the board time to accurately calculate the assessment, the meeting will be continued on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30pm.
Deer/Racoon Feeding
Reports on Community Survey, Community Forum- Jeff reported that 97 responses to the survey were received. For question 1-“Should the feeding of deer and racoons be prohibited in Scenic Estates?”, 66 voted that feeding deer and raccoons should be prohibited. 33 voted that it should not be prohibited and 4 were undecided. For question 2, regarding enforcement mechanisms, 57 voted in favor of providing educational materials, 37 voted in favor of a financial penalty and 11 voted for “other”. Overall, members voted 2-1 in favor of prohibiting or discouraging the feeding of deer and racoons. Tim motioned that we publish the results of the survey on the website, include them in a newsletter, and send them out by mail. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Proposed Rule/Regulation-Jim moved that LISECC create a policy strongly discouraging the feeding of deer and racoons, citing current information published by Whatcom County, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Humane Society and any other authoritative body concerning the wellbeing of animals and their interactions with humans. Reinforcement of the policy to be periodically placed in the newsletter. William seconded. All in favor.
Finance: Reserve Transfer- Jim moved that we transfer $874.00 from Reserves for Wilson Invoice 17076. Tim seconded. Tim, Jim, and William voted in favor. Jeff was absent for the vote.
Operations/Water Updates
Clubhouse-Previously discussed during “Clubhouse Special Assessment”
Clark Circle (Fire Marshal, County Treasurer, Tom Kennedy Estimate)-Permitting is proving more difficult than previously anticipated. We also have not received an estimate from Tom Kennedy.
Unauthorized Clubhouse/Dock Use-Two different incidents reported (one as member communication, one verbally) to the board of late-night parties at the clubhouse. Staff to make it a priority to install surveillance equipment at the marina.
Proposed Sites/Management Plan for Dog Waste Dispensers-The dog committee presented a map of proposed sites for the dog waste dispensers. The committee tried to be very conscientious of not placing posts in front of anyone’s home.
New Business: None
Old Business:
Property Sales-Tim motioned that the property on Cove Ave. that is currently owned by Scenic Estates has a covenant placed upon it that it shall not be bound for dues relief with any other property. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Other Business:
Meeting to continue on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30pm
Tim motioned to move the AGM to October 29th, 2022. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35pm until it can be continued on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30pm.