Minutes February 27, 2022
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into three parts.
Call to Order: Ben Twigg called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Move “Reconsideration of the boat tow refund” from Finance Report to President’s Report
Remove “Water testing” from Water Report
Remove “Requiring Board approval for equipment after required review by Water Chair/Water Committee” from Water Report
Remove “Requiring Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and documentation for Waterworks Operations” from Water Report
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes - January 30, 2022
January 2022 Financial Reports
January 24-February 20, 2022 Operations Report
William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from January 30, 2022 and acknowledge receipt of the January 2022 monthly financial reports and the Operations Report. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications:
30087-Leak Forgiveness Request-Tim motioned to grant the one-time forgiveness for the difference in water usage from Tier 5 to Tier 3. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Carol McKinney presented the Dog Committee’s proposed solutions for dealing with dog waste. Their suggestions include placing receptacles for dog waste with poop bags and signage around LISE, a revised dog rule for the clubhouse and marina, and the implementation of a fine for repeated offenses.
Isaac Colgan-Firewise & Wildfire Prep Day, tentatively scheduled for April 30, 2022-The chipping grant is funded by WAFAC grant. This year the grant also supplies anyone who signs up for chipping to receive a free home preparedness survey to assess for fire danger and fuel reduction.
Staff Reports:
Project Manager
Status report for Wilson Contract/Wilson Memo-The next major step is a pre-planning meeting with DOH and Engineer. System Capacity Analysis should be ready for review and comment by LISECC in April.
Dock winch proposal(s)-Chris Immer has submitted a proposal for a either an electric or hydraulic winch cable system for dock deployment and retrieval. Tim raised concerns about the reliance on Reserves to pay for such expenditures, rather than budgeting for these kinds of items. William motioned to authorize an amount not to exceed $3,000 total including parts, labor, and installation. Tim seconded. Discussion of whether either of these winch systems would survive the elements. Tim called to question. All in favor.
Reconsideration of the boat tow refund. Discussion of the circumstances under which the boat was towed and the current rules and regulations regarding boats left at the marina for an extended time. William motioned that the Board vacate its prior decision to refund the tow fee in full and rather impose a fine of $55 representing the original 7-day presence of the boat on the dock and refund the remainder of the tow fee only to the owner. Tim seconded. After discussion of the fees, William amended his motion for the fine to be $85. Tim, William, and Jeff voted in favor. Jim opposed. Motion passed.
Protocols for standing and ad hoc committees
For standing committees:
An announcement to the membership directing interest to the appropriate chair
The committee chair and one other board member will serve to vet committee members
The committee chair brings list of committee members to the board to be entered into the record
Members may only sit on one standing committee at a time
A staff representative may serve as a liaison to each committee, but not as a formal committee member
3-5 members to serve on each committee
Next steps on Dog Committee recommendations:
Get feedback from GM (once hired) about enforcement and penalties
Allow for member input prior to formalizing new rules about dogs
Staff input on proposals
Jim suggested that the board host a community forum to provide the membership an opportunity to civilly discuss the proposals made by the dog committee. Ben offered a friendly amendment to Jim’s suggestion that an online session be set up between now and the next board meeting. Jim and Jeff will facilitate the session.
Wildlife ad hoc committee to be created with Jim as the coordinator.
Update Language in Section 5.4, Rules and Regulations-Jim to add proposed changes and resubmit to the board in March for approval.
Update Language in Policy Statements, Section 7
Update Language in Section 5.2, Clubhouse Area
Tim motioned to approve the revisions to Section 5.2 and Section 5.4 as presented. William seconded. All in favor.
Discuss strategy to prioritize future foreclosures for unpaid dues-Tabled due to time restrictions
Lummi Island Scenic Estates Clubhouse Seacliff Coastal Geologic Analysis-Jim Johannessen, Clubhouse Structural Engineering consultant joined the meeting to discuss his findings at the Clubhouse. His main recommendation is to make moves toward shoring up the east facing foundation wall. The next step is to engage a structural engineer. Jim motioned that we restrict access to the east and southeast facing deck of the clubhouse and refund the usage fee to the members who have rented it for March 3-6, 2022. William seconded. All in favor.
William motioned that the remainder of the $10,000 allocated for an engineering consultation in November 2021 be directed toward a structural engineer. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Properties and Property Disposition- Tabled due to time restrictions
Requiring the use of Purchase Orders and written standard approval process- Tabled due to time restrictions
Reservoir Operations and Reservoir sampling and Valve Farm. Development of work plan and timetable for completion required.- Tabled due to time restrictions
Discussion of the Job Solicitations, Schedule for Responses/Interviews-To be discussed by the board via email.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 9:30am
Executive Session to discuss legal matters related to delinquent accounts- Tabled due to time restrictions
Adjournment: 12:35pm.
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of February 27, 2022.