Minutes January 30, 2022
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Ben Twigg called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting –December 12, 2021
Board of Directors’ Meeting – December 30, 2021
Board of Directors’ Meeting – January 10, 2022
Member Communications Received via Email
Acct 60024-Objection to Boat Towing Refund
Acct 100025-Urgent Reconsideration of Board Decision to Refund Towing Charges
Acct 100030/100031-Concurring with Email sent by 100025
Acct 30088- Urgent Reconsideration of Board Decision to Refund Towing Charges
Acct 30089-Advancement of Member Funds and Foreclosure on Delinquent Lots (2 Letters dated 12/14/21 & 1/6/22)
Accts 20032 & 20033-Dues Relief
Acct 30040-Board of Directors’ Meeting Notice
Monthly financial reports
Monthly operations report
William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from December 12, 2021, December 30, 2021, & January 10, 2022; approve the December 2021 monthly financial reports; and acknowledge the member communications and monthly Operations Report. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications:
Carol McKinney expressed her concern about the amount of dog waste on the roadsides in Scenic Estates. Carol agreed to put forth action items on ways to approach the issue.
Martin Wilson expressed his concern about the recent number of Executive Sessions and transparency by the board.
Charlene Wood addressed the board regarding transparency and her desire for the board to have more open conversations about issues concerning the membership.
Discussion of protocols for acknowledging the receipt of member communications.
As Secretary, Jeff will draft a standard response to acknowledge the receipt of a member communication and include a statement that the member communication will be added to the subsequent board meeting agenda.
Member communications will no longer be part of the consent agenda and will be discussed as part of the meeting.
Tim motioned that member communications will be acknowledged as received and placed on the following meeting agenda for board consideration. William seconded. Jim noted that not all communications will warrant board discussion. All in favor.
Discussion of board meeting protocols/communications and the use of Executive Sessions.
William motioned to adopt the following expected protocols relative to meeting announcements and results:
Meetings are announced at the prior board meeting, on the white board at the entry to Scenic Estates, on the website, and in the newsletter.
When available, agendas will be posted on the website, at the clubhouse and in the newsletter.
Approved minutes from prior board meetings are posted at the clubhouse and on the website.
Zoom audio recordings are made available on the website.
Tim seconded. All in favor.
Update on delinquent lots 20029 & 60007-A verbal agreement has been established with the owner of the lots to purchase the two lots for $500 total ($250/lot), rather than expending the cost of foreclosure. A deed in lieu of foreclosure will be ready next week.
General Manager & Operations Staff hirings-LISECC will be advertising for the hiring of both positions in the next week.
Review of the revised job descriptions. Changes to the documents are as follows:
Part time General Manager is non-exempt
Operations Manager-continue with detailed description that was previously established
Delete 5.8 Administrator and replace with 5.8 Project Manager
Delete 5.9 Bookkeeper and replace with 5.9 Office Manager
Change 5.10 to Operations Staff (new part-time position)
Renumber Employee Performance Standards and Policies and their subsections to 5.11.
Renumber Amendments and Adoptions and their subsections to 5.12
Jim motioned that we accept the job descriptions as presented, insert them into Section 5 and renumber them as stated. William seconded. Ben issued a reminder that these descriptions can be changed after the new positions are hired, if necessary. Jim called to question. All in favor.
Discussion of hiring process for General Manager and Operations Staff
LISECC Personnel Policy Handbook requires that we must advertise new positions for 15 days.
Positions to be posted on Nextdoor, Craigslist, in the LISE Newsletter, and at the Islander.
Resume and Cover Letter should be electronically submitted to Jeff and/or Ben.
The full board will review applications and interview applicants during Executive Session(s) to protect the privacy of the applicants.
Tim motioned to approve and adopt the Management and Client Representation Letter from the auditor. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Reserve Transfer-Wilson Engineering Invoice 16616 $1279.50-Tim expressed concern that the Wilson Engineering invoices do not provide enough information about the work that is being done. Tim motioned to transfer $1279.50 from Reserves for the Wilson Engineering Invoice 16616. William seconded. All in favor.
Tim recommended that we remove any language in our documents that indicates that the clubhouse can be rented by anyone other than a member. The clubhouse is only for use by members and their guests. Tim motioned that we do not rent the clubhouse to non-members and that any language indicating otherwise be removed from the Governing Documents. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Isaac, Tim and Bill Taylor have a meeting scheduled on Monday to discuss the WWU reservoir water testing program.
Jeff will compose a response letter to acknowledge member communications and submit it to the board for review.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: February 27, 2022 at 9:30am
Adjournment: William motioned to adjourn at 11:33pm. Jim seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:33pm.
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of January 30, 2022.