Minutes March 26, 2022

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into TWO parts.

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Ben called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, William Enoch, Tim Robison

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Remove “Water turbidity violation notifications” from Updates/Proposals

Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:    

  • Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –February 27, 20223

  • February 2022 Financial Reports

  • Policy 7 revision

  • February 21-March 21, 2022 Operations Report

Jim motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the February 27, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes with the amendment that revisions were made to Sections 5.2 & 5.4, not Section 7, as was stated in the minutes. William seconded. All in favor.                                 

Member Communications:

  • 30088-Leak Forgiveness Request-William motioned to grant a one-time forgiveness for the difference in water usage from Tier 8 to Tier 2. Jim seconded. All in favor.


  • Hiring-Applications were received for the General Manager and Operations Staff positions.  The board is preparing to schedule interviews with the applicants.

  • Dog committee/forum-Zoom meeting was held on March 22, 2022 and was very successful. A second committee meeting will be scheduled to finalize recommendations.

  • Clubhouse-Discussion of how to proceed given the information presented in the coastal engineer’s report in addition to the preliminary report from the structural engineer. William moved that we accept and acknowledge the coastal engineer’s report, that we further enter into the proposed contract with Kingworks Structural Engineers, and that by consensus, we agree that we will be creating a progressive flow chart to identify potential courses of action relative to resolving the foundation situation. Tim seconded. All in favor.

  • Marina rules- Discussion of proposed changes to marina rules as presented by the Marine committee. Jim to reconvene committee and present updated documents at the next meeting.

  • Water sampling/analysis internship-Tim presented a proposal to recruit an intern from WWU to collect water samples in coordination with staff. The intern would be responsible for collecting and presenting data to assist in understanding and evaluating what is happening with our water source. The cost is estimated to be $3,000.00. Tim to work with staff and present updated proposal at the next board meeting.

  • Asphalt paving-Proposal received from WRS for 4 potential paving projects. Priority includes Rosewood Terrace and Dam Access Road. Estimated price is $35,000 for the project. Further discussion and information is needed. No decisions to be made at this time.


  • Committee formation-Use the newsletter to recruit committee members.

  • AGM-Discussion of the timing, format (mail/in person/hybrid), and whether there will be any bylaw changes for the 2022 AGM.

  • Criteria for prioritizing foreclosures on delinquent lots-The board has been spurred into action regarding acting upon liens that are in place. There are 10 members with significant balances that date back at least 10 years with a combined total of $233,000 in unpaid dues. The board needs to create objective criteria about how to approach collection.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Other Business:

  • Lien warnings/payment plan requests

  • Next BOD Meeting: April 24, 2022 at 9:30am

  • William motioned to go into Executive Session at 11:59am to discuss possible legal action regarding delinquent lots, hiring details and a PTO policy matter. Tim seconded. All in favor. Back in session at 1:36pm. No formal action taken during Executive Session. Discussed possible legal action with regard to delinquent lots. Discussion included using objective criteria such as amounts owed, ages of delinquency, and number of lots owned as guidelines for legal action. Also discussed scheduling interviews and remaining hiring process details for Operations Staff (part-time) and General Manager (part-time).

  • Jim motioned to approve an exception to LISECC’s PTO policy to allow Isaac to carry over PTO into new work year due to extenuating circumstances. Tim seconded.  All in favor.

Adjournment: 1:38pm. 

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of March 26, 2022.