Minutes December 12, 2021
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Ben Twigg called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Add November 2021 financial reports to Consent Agenda
Add ratification of the water rates to Finance Report
Add report on DNR lease to Operations Report
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Ben introduced the consent agenda. The consent agenda includes items for approval that the board is expected to have reviewed prior to the meeting and don’t require discussion.
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2021
Continuation Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from November 23, 2021
Member Communications received via email
November 2021 Financial Reports
William motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications: None
Retreat Planning-Special board meeting to take place on Jan. 23, 2022. The purpose of the meeting is for the board to spend 3-4 hours planning and prioritizing for 2022.
Committee Formation-To be discussed further at the board retreat.
Door Installation Proposal-Tim motioned to accept the proposal from Nick Kluge for $760 to install doors at the maintenance shop and the water treatment plant. Jim seconded. All in favor.
LISECC received a request to monitor crab larvae at the dock using a light trap the size of a 5-gallon bucket. The board approved the monitoring request. Jim will respond to the inquiry and include a request that LISECC be made aware of the results of the study.
Revision of LISECC Governing Documents
Rules and Regulations Sec.
Policy Statement 7 (C)
Discussion of additional changes to the drafts. Jim to present updated drafts at next meeting.
Approval of the FY2020 Audit-William motioned to approve the draft audit for fiscal year 2020. Jim seconded. All in favor.
FY2021 Audit Engagement Letter-William motioned to approve the audit engagement letter for fiscal year 2021 subject to the auditor’s production of adjusting journal entries for the prior audit. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Reserve Transfer- Water System Capacity Analysis Wilson Engineering Invoice 16529 $4,054.50-The board would like to see a more detailed narrative of work product from Wilson Engineering. William motioned to transfer $4,054.50 from Reserves for Wilson Invoice 16529. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Discussion of discrepancy in water rates between the board approved water rates and what was published. Jim motioned to ratify the rates that are currently published on the website with Tier 10 being $176 plus $12 per 1,000 gallons over 11,000 gallons. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Snow Plowing-Discussion of engaging an independent contractor to plow the critical areas of Scenic Estates. Tim motioned to engage Doug Cash as an independent contractor to plow the areas of LISECC as proposed on the map created by staff, subject to the response from our insurance carrier. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Clubhouse Update-LISECC has contracted with Coastal Geologic for $4,700. This firm specifically looks at the dynamics of water and erosion. Coastal Geologic plans to be onsite December 15th or 20th with the purpose of looking at the underlying geology of the point on which the clubhouse rests and possible mitigations. The result of the visit will be a memo or report back to us.
DNR Lease-DNR is open to an expansion of the dock and ramp, but LISECC will need to work with several agencies in order to make any changes/repairs.
Signers have been added/removed from WECU bank accounts.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Discussion of the refund to owner of boat towed from the marina-William motioned to refund the owner of the boat the towing fee and leaving open the cost of impoundment. Tim seconded. Discussion of the rule and procedure for towing boats. All in favor.
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: January 30, 2022 at 9:30am
William motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss legal and personnel matters at 11:19am. Jim seconded. All in favor. Back in session at 12:22pm. Discussed the status of two foreclosures in process at the LISE attorney’s office. Also discussed upcoming employee evaluations and the potential hiring of new part-time operations assistant. No motions or action taken during the Executive Session.
Meeting adjourned at 12:22pm
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of December 12, 2021.