Minutes December 30, 2021

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Ben Twigg called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch, Tim Robison

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Isaac Colgan

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda: None

New Business:

  • Ben made a statement to explain the unusual nature of the board meetings and the necessity of establishing an open meeting to allow moving to executive sessions. In the future, meeting notifications will contain more explanatory language that no formal business is expected to be discussed during open session unless indicated by published agenda items.

  • Jim motioned that the board move into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues at 7:35pm.  William seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

  • First Zoom Executive Session ended due to time constraints on the account.  Returned to Open Session to conclude first portion of meeting at 8:09pm.

  • Second Zoom Executive Session began at 8:13pm to resume previous discussion of personnel issues.

  • Back in open session at 8:38pm.  No motions made during Executive Session.  Discussed upcoming personnel evaluations and issues concerning personnel. William moved to extend a 4% cost of living adjustment to all LISECC employees effective January 1, 2022.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm