Minutes November 21, 2021

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Ben Twigg called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch, Tim Robison

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Remove “Approval of the Audit” from Finance Report

  • Remove “Discussion of the refund to owner of towed boat” from New Business 

  • Remove “Motion to remove Marine Notice Board” from New Business

  • Add “Boil Water Advisory” to President’s Report

  • Add “Island Dr. Road Conditions” to President’s Report

  • Remove “Feeding Wildlife” from New Business

  • Remove “Executive Session to discuss legal and personnel matters” from Other Business

  • Add Leslie Dempsey to Member Communications

Approval of Minutes:                                                  

  • William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from October 30, 2021. Tim seconded.  All in favor.

Member Communications:

  • Leslie Dempsey reported that after speaking to WCPW Director, Jon Hutchings, the road repair at the site of the washout on Beach Ave. is a high priority for the county. The hope is that a temporary single lane road can be established at the end of Beach Ave. in the next several weeks. 

  • 30091/30092-Letters to board re: Feeding Deer-Ben read the written communications aloud. The discussion was postponed until a subsequent board meeting.


  • President

    • Boil Water Advisory-Isaac reported that the extreme storm runoff has exceeded the ability of our treatment plant to filter safe drinking water.  At this time, we have 5 days of reserve supply water in tank 2, which means that we will run out of water by Thanksgiving Day.  If the water quality does not improve by this afternoon (11/21/2021), we need to plan to issue a boil water advisory notice (per the state) by tomorrow (11/22/2021).  Currently, water quality is improving significantly, which offers hope that we may not have to implement the boil water advisory.  However, a final decision must be made today.

    • The runoff coming down from 1257 Island Dr. near the intersection of Beach Ave. has undermined the road.  A sinkhole is imminent, and people are encouraged not to drive over that section of road. We have reached out to WCPW to make the repair a priority.

    • Ben presented the following suggestions to streamline BOD meetings and help the board maximize productivity:

      • Develop a consent agenda

      • Keep the BOD meetings to 1.5 hours

      • Reinvigorate committees to help the board be more efficient

      • Designate an extended session to identify and prioritize planning projects for 2022

  • Administration

    • Jim presented a revised draft of article 5.4.5 related to Onsite Septic Systems and the Sanitary Control Area. William motioned to adopt article 5.4.5 as presented. Jeff seconded.  Jeff, Jim, and William voted in favor. Tim voted against the adoption. Motion passed.

  • Finance

    • .Adoption of new water rates- Over the last several months, the board adopted the rationale that water users should pay the full cost of producing water, rather than just 45%.  It is estimated that the cost of water production for 2022 will be $150,000.  William presented several water rate structures for the board’s consideration. Due to the necessity of further discussion on water rates, the board decided to continue this meeting on Tues., November 23 at 7:30pm.

    • Resolution identifying new signers on bank -  Jeff Smith motioned that Benjamin Twigg and William Enoch be added as signers on all LISECC bank accounts, while also removing Douglas Cash as a signer.  William Enoch seconded.  All in favor.

    • Reserves Transfer- Tim motioned to transfer $9,520 from Reserves for the completed replacement of the pressure reducing valve by Ram Construction. Jim seconded.  All in favor.

  • Operations/Water

    • Establishing Sanitary Control Area Boundaries & Watershed Protection-Tim presented the idea of reducing the boundaries of the SCA.  However, it is likely that the SCA will be reviewed during the engineering process for the new treatment plant.

    • .Abandoned Kayak Removal, Prohibition of Beach Storage, Kayak Rack-Discussion of installing kayak racks at the marina and changing the rules regarding storing kayaks on the beach.  Tim motioned that the existing kayaks are removed from the beach and stored near the boat trailer area.  Jim seconded.  All in Favor.

    • Discussion of the need for an evaluation of the clubhouse footings and foundation by an engineer.  William motioned to spend no more than $10,000 for an engineering consultation that would include a coastal engineer. Tim seconded. All in favor.

  • Communications/Planning

    • Jeff suggested that we update and consolidate the contact list for our membership.

Old Business:

  • Clark Circle Update-No new developments at this time.

New Business: None

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: December 12, 2021 at 9:30am.

Meeting adjourned at 12:13pm until it can be continued on Tues. November 23, 2021 at 7:30pm.

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of November 21, 2021.