Minutes June 27, 2021

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Add Resuming In-Person Board Meetings to President’s Report

  • Add Clark Circle Update to President’s Report

Approval of Minutes: 

  • William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from May 16, 2021 with the amendment that the Dates of Assignment for action items should read 5/16/2021, not 5/18/2021. Jim seconded.  Passed.

Member Communication:

  • Acct. 30088-Welcome Wagon Ideas.  As a representative of the Social Committee, Carol McKinney would like to establish a Welcome Wagon for new members to introduce them to the resources, amenities, and organizations on Lummi Island.  She could possibly write something to be included in the LISECC Welcome Letter that is sent to new owners.

  • Acct. 20008-Lien-The member is Canadian and did not receive the Lien Warning Notice until June 1, 2021 (confirmed by USPS tracking) after the lien had been placed. Ben motioned to absorb the lien filing/release charges and once the outstanding dues are paid in full, release the current lien.  However, LISECC would require the member to pay the cost of the expired 2012 lien release fee.  William seconded. Passed.

  • Acct. 70039-Lien-Discussion of lien policies and fees associated with liens.  The board would encourage the members to attend the July board meeting for further discussion.  The issue of forgiving the lien filing/release charges will be discussed at the July board meeting.

  • Acct. 30039-Dog and Code Enforcement.  Member expressed his frustration that the bylaws and policies are not being followed.  The board encouraged the member to continue to contact the Humane Society and the sheriff for noise violations.  Discussion of imposing fines for policy violations. 

  • Acct. 70008-Generator-The generator is provided by Whatcom County Emergency Management and tied in with LIFD for emergency communications.  


  • President:

    • Discussion of opening LISECC facilities.  Staff is directed to open the cabana on 6/27/2021, but the clubhouse is to remain closed until further notice due to an ongoing water main repair.

    • Update on Clark Circle-The Fire Marshall will not require that Clark Circle be widened but will require owners to install a commercial grade sprinkler system in the home.  Additionally, the engineer, Tony Freelander, will design a turnaround at the top of Clark Circle for the board’s approval. 

    • Discussion of Doug’s upcoming surgery and the implications for the board.

    • Ben motioned to postpone the 2021 AGM to October with an exact date to be determined via email.  Jim seconded.  Passed.

    • The clubhouse reopening will determine when the board can resume in-person meetings. 

  • Finance:

    • William motioned to transfer $5,750.50 from Reserves for the LT Excavation Invoice #360.  Jim seconded.  Passed.

    • 2022 budget has been started.  Members are likely to see a dues decrease, but increased water fees in order to shift the cost of water production to water users.

  • Operations/Water:

    • We have received a proposed contract from Wilson Engineering that changes the direction from pilot plant testing to water testing.  William motioned to move forward with the amendment to the Wilson Engineering Contract. Ben seconded.  Passed.

    • WWU Vertical Profiling Agreement-WWU can offer a higher resolution for some of the laboratory testing services that we need for our water samples.  However, we would still need to use another lab for the testing of non-organics.  It is estimated that the total cost will be the same or less than what we are currently paying.

    • SolarBee Lake Mixing Equipment-Cost prohibitive system that does not necessarily offer a solution to our water treatment challenges.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • Jeff will draft a newsletter to let members know that the AGM has been moved to October and that the facilities will be reopening.

  • Administration:

    • No report.

Old Business:

  • Opening LISECC Facilities-Addressed under President’s Report.

New Business:

  • Discussion of Lien Procedure-Small committee to review procedures.

  • Scheduling of Membership Vote to Approve Assumption of new DWSRF Loan-Loan approval timeline determines when membership vote will take place.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: July 18, 2021 at 9:30.


Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of June 27, 2021.