Minutes July 18, 2021
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Add Executive Session for Legal Matters
Proposal from Freeland Engineering postponed to next BOD meeting
Approval of Minutes:
Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2021. Jim seconded. Passed.
Member Communication:
Mark Davis-Water Treatment Plant Offer of Assistance. Mark is a retired chemical engineer with expertise in water treatment and wastewater treatment plant design. Mark has offered to review any documents and offer feedback regarding the new water treatment plant, free of charge.
Debbie Pawlak-Expressed her desire to see a clean-up effort in Scenic Estates; has concerns about non-members using the lake; and would like to see guest boating passes eliminated to preserve space at the dock for members. The board encouraged Debbie to form a committee to come up with a plan to implement some of her ideas.
David Canterman-Would like to explore the idea of LISECC purchasing more sophisticated equipment to assist in leak detection. David also offered his expertise as a former CFO of a private mortgage company and volunteered to help with expediting the process of foreclosures.
Meredith Moench-Seeking update on where LISECC is on collecting past delinquencies. Would like to see delinquent accounts collected before proceeding with new water treatment plant.
Leslie Dempsey-The LIFD Disaster Preparedness Division has purchased evacuation signs for Scenic Estates. However, before signs can be placed, LISECC needs to update their evacuation plans. The LIFD Disaster Preparedness Division is willing to support LISECC in updating their plans.
No report.
We have received a draft of the 2021 Reserve Study. The Reserve Study includes a designation that LISECC is at a high risk of special assessment for the replacement of the water treatment plant. However, it is important to note that we anticipate funding the new treatment plant with a low interest loan, which would negate the need for a special assessment.
We should assume the 60-day window for the loan will start soon and should make a membership vote on the loan a priority.
Office of Drinking Water PFAS Sampling-Some water agencies may be able to get free testing for PFAS. Isaac to follow up with ODW.
Clark Circle Proposal from Freeland Engineering-LISECC has not received the proposal from Freeland Engineering yet.
Estimate from Ram Construction for PRV replacement. William motioned to approve the upcoming proposal from Ram Construction for PRV replacement in an amount not to exceed $14,000. Ben seconded. Passed.
Water Loss & Reservoir Level-Staff found a major leak on Mt. Vista Dr. and repaired it. Staff is recommending we continue with conserve status until we can confirm our reservoir level will be sufficient for the rest of the summer.
May need to begin the discussion of hiring additional staff, at least part-time, to ease the workload of current staff.
No report.
Administration: gives us the ability to levy fines, but the bylaws do not specify how we establish the amount of the fine.
Discussion of Draft Leak Forgiveness Clauses ( & Jim to revise and resubmit to the board.
Old Business:
Discussion of scheduling vote for new DWSRF loan. Election by mail to take place in 4-6 weeks.
New Business:
Clubhouse is now open to the membership and can be accessed using the keypad on the door. Members can call the office for the code.
Other Business:
The board went into Executive Session at 10:59am for approximately 15 minutes to discuss legal matters. Back in session at 11:12am. No motions were made during the Executive Session. The only action to be taken is to submit a communication to the attorney about foreclosure.
Next BOD Meeting: August 15, 2021 at 9:30am at the Clubhouse.
Adjournment: 11:14 am
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of July 18, 2021.