Minutes December 13, 2020

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.         

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Add legal matter to Executive Session

  • Isaac Colgan to be added to Member Communication

Approval of Minutes: 

  • William motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from November 15, 2020 with the following changes:

    • Under the Coliform Notification Policy discussion, correct “Discussion tabled until the next board meeting” to read “Discussion continued…”. 

    • Under the Finance Report, correct typo authorizing transfer from Reserves to read $7,935.44.

    Jim seconded.  Passed.

Member Communication:

  • Isaac Colgan discussed the speed limit in Scenic Estates, noting that the county is going to make the entirety of Scenic Estates an Advisory 20mph Zone. 


  • President:

    • Salvation Army reached out again regarding whether there has been any further discussion about incorporating them into Scenic Estates.  Currently, it is not a feasible option.

    • A Special Meeting to approve the new Governing Documents will be put on hold until an in-person meeting can be held.

  • Finance:

    • Ben has been working on distinguishing between short-term and long-term budgeting, especially regarding ongoing treatment plant repairs.  He would like to see the board have a discussion soon about funding a new treatment plant.

    • In looking at our Accounts Receivable, we have a large A/R balance.  Eight different parties account for nearly 90% of our A/R balance (approx. $230,000 of old receivables). 

    • In conjunction with year-end, Ben and Julie will make  journal entries to reclassify some items that belong on the Balance Sheet as capital assets.  This will serve to reduce expenses on the 2020 Profit and Loss.

    • Ben motioned to make our $50,000 annual budgeted contribution to Reserves. Jim seconded.  Passed.

    • We have a large CD maturing at the end of December that Ben does not recommend renewing.  Ben will coordinate with Allison about next steps.

  • Operations/Water

    • We are once again experiencing turbidity issues.  Staff are preparing for notices to be sent out next week. 

    • Discussion of whether we need to encourage conservation from the community.  At this time, it is not necessary, but if that changes, staff will make necessary notifications.

  • Communications/Planning:

    • A newsletter is expected to go out in the next 7-10 days.

  • Administration:

    • Discussion of amended form for Boat Registration. 

    • Discussion of adding additional safety measures at the docks (i.e., life jackets, throw rings, etc.).

    • Discussion of establishing a protocol for when there are violations at the marina.

Old Business:

  • Board member stipends-We have confirmation from our attorney that Zoom meetings are considered meeting in person due to the restrictions of the pandemic.  Jim motioned to reinstate stipends and apply them  retroactively to April 2020 to include past and present board members.  Ben seconded.  William opposed.  Passed.

  • Coliform Notification Policy is required by the state in the event of positive e-coli present test.  Does not imply that there is currently an issue.  The following will be included in the response plan:

    • Immediate notification to customers based on first positive e-coli present test. 

    • Communications chair will be media/public contact.

    • Door to door notification will fall on board members. 

  • Survey Proposals for Clark Circle

    • Wilson Engineering not to exceed $9,786

    • Jepsen & Associates $5,000-not to exceed $6,000.00

    Discussion of quotes from each company.  Ben motioned to accept Jepsen’s survey proposal, including the $2,500 deposit.  Prior to the survey we will notify adjacent lot owners that the survey will be happening and the general purpose of the survey.  William seconded.  Passed.

New Business:

  • Consideration of extension of contract with Bill Taylor for limnology services.  The request is for an extension of the period, not more money. Extend the current contract period by 12 months and let staff address the need for services during that time.

  • Request for Geodome Building Approval from someone interested in purchasing property in LISE.  Individual should refer to Whatcom County guidelines for building a permanent structure.  Water connections are reserved for those members actively seeking a building permit from Whatcom County.   

Other Business:

  • The board went into Executive Session at 11:14am to discuss personnel matters and a legal matter .  Back in session at 11:41am.  Discussed personnel matters with regard to job descriptions and employee reviews.  Also discussed legal actions, not related to personnel matters.  No motions were made during the Executive Session. 

  • Next BOD Meeting: January 17, 2021 at 9:30am.

Adjournment: 11:42am

Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of December 13, 2020.