Minutes May 20, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Guest Forum: None

Call to Order: Dempsey called meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse. 

  • Board members present: Leslie Dempsey, Jeff Smith, Tim Slater
  • Board members absent: Doug Cash, Don McCuiston
  • Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash

Voting Status:  All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.

Changes to the Agenda:

  •  Update about meeting with LISE legal counsel to be added under Administration Report.

Approval of Minutes:                                                   

  • Slater motioned to approve minutes of April 15, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting.  Smith seconded.  Passed.


  • President      
    • Review of Draft Budget.  If there are specific expenses we are anticipating in 2019, it needs to be provided in the draft budget for reserve specialist.  Discussion of whether audit in 2019 is appropriate.  Budgeted for in 2019, pending board recommendation and member approval.  Employee expenses are lower for 2019 due to part-time bookkeeper with no benefits.  Discussion of hiring part-time summer help to assist with some of the maintenance upkeep.  Total expense projected budget for 2019 is $376,582 (about $8,500 less than 2018).  Dues drafted to remain at $725 for 2019.  Final DRAFT budget to be voted on by board at June Board of Directors meeting.
    • Discussion of Newsletter to be included in AGM mailing.  Newsletter should be a board publication, not individual opinions.  Draft of newsletter content or list of what is to be included in newsletter to be prepared by June meeting for board review.  Attorney informed board of change in law as of July 1, 2018 that AGM materials cannot be mailed out less than two weeks or more than 50 days prior to AGM.  We are subject to legal requirements, even if they differ from LISE by-laws.  By-laws must comply with the law and rather than membership ratification of by-laws to adhere to new law, may simply require notation in by-laws acknowledging change in law. 
    • Discussion of DWSRF loan amortization schedule.  Member requested explanation of why we don’t lower DWSRF loan repayment each year as principle amount decreases.  Review prior year DSWRF loan payments and possibly make additional payment from Operations account to reflect everything we have collected for DSWRF loan so far.  Draft new policy to direct how loan should be collected and paid.
    • Rice Insurance Annual Policy Renewal-$47,049.51 check to be mailed 5/21/18.  In addition to the cost of insurance through Rice Insurance, we also have a policy through Liberty Mutual which cost $8,590.00.
  • Administration 
    • Update about meeting with LISE legal counsel.  Slater and Dempsey had meeting with attorney about current water connections.  Attorney suggested that we should have a recorded notice that details the current number of available connections and also notes that water connections are intended for permanent dwellings.
  • Treasurer
    • Review of Financial Reports.  We have collected 62% of invoiced dues for the year.
  • Operations/Water
    • Reviewed Operations report. 
    • Watershed Protection Plan & Dog Water Source Report.  Per Watershed Control Program, domestic animals should not be allowed to roam anywhere in watershed protection area.  Possibly add signs/rationale at lake to explain why animals are not allowed near the lake/reservoir.  Staff to get estimate about how much it would cost to get informational kiosk at lake.  Isaac to write article for newsletter.  Compromise could be to change policy to allow leashed dogs at marina.
    • Estimate for asphalt repair at Clubhouse-Smith motioned to approve asphalt repair based on estimate from Huizenga Enterprises, LLC not to exceed $7,500 from reserves.  Slater seconded. Passed.
    • Blythe Plumbing-Payment for Pressure Reducing Valve from Reserves-voted on last year to take money from reserves.
  • Communications/Planning: None

Member Communications:

  • Account 20029, 60006, 60007-Discussion of signing over lots to LISE.  In order for the board to consider taking the properties, there needs to be reasonable expectation that LISE could sell the lots.  Concerns from board members over whether the properties can be sold and any tax obligations on them.  Member is encouraged to talk to adjacent property owners about selling the lots.  Member asked board to consider what his financial obligation to LISE would be if he was able to sell the lots for less than what he owes the association.  The board agreed to consider his request when a full board is available for discussion.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • Board Vote on Water Disconnections.  Lien warning and water shut-off notices were sent on April 10, 2018.  Letters included instructions on how to appeal the disconnection and how to establish a payment plan.  Additional water shut-off notices were posted on the members’ doors on May 14, 2018.  Slater motioned to shut-off water for Division 4 Lot 42 and Division 5 Lots 11 & 12. Smith seconded. Passed.

 Other Business:

  • Next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2018 at 9:30.  Slater motions to hold June meeting outside of regular schedule.  Smith seconded.  Passed.

Adjournment: 12:03 pm