Minutes June 10, 2018
/Board of Directors Meeting
Guest Forum: None
Call to Order: Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
- Board members present: Leslie Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Tim Slater
- Board members absent: None
- Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Allison Cash
Don McCuiston resigned his board position.
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
- Move discussion of possible appointment to fill open BOD Position to beginning of meeting.
- Discussion of appointing Ben Twigg to vacant board position. Cash motioned to appoint Ben Twigg to open board position. Slater seconded. Passed.
Approval of Minutes:
- Slater motioned to approve May 20, 2018 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Smith seconded. Cash abstained. Passed.
- Operations/Water
- Reviewed Operations Report. Two failed customer meters were identified and repaired. Our percentage of loss has decreased from 35% to 12%.
- Discussion of dogs at the lake and Department of Health’s restrictions. Consider getting estimates for fence around the lake. It was noted that the AGM would be good time to talk to membership about not bringing dogs to the lake and instead, change the policies to allow leashed dogs at the marina. Also, LISECC has 2 lots at the entrance to Scenic Estates that could be presented to membership as a potential site for a dog park.
- Water Quality Report to be posted island-wide on NextDoor in order to reach the most members.
- President
- Discussion of possible appointment to fill open BOD position - previously discussed.
- Discussion of other candidates to be included on AGM Ballot
- Ben Twigg presumably will continue on the board after AGM
- Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman has submitted her name for consideration.
- Paul Dempsey would like to be put on the ballot.
- At AGM, there will be a call for members to put themselves forward on the ballot.
- Finalize and approve 2019 Draft budget and annual dues for inclusion in the AGM Packet
- Dues of $725 for 2019
- Audit expense added for 2019 budget-Consider setting up Audit Expense Account so if an audit is not approved by the membership, the budgeted money is set aside for the next audit. It would be helpful to determine a set timeline for when audits are performed, i.e. every X number of years.
- Due to new state law, we cannot send out AGM materials more than 50 days prior to AGM, so final draft budget will be voted on at July 8 board meeting.
- Discussion of BOD recommendation re: 2018 Financial Audit - previously discussed.
- Discussion of Newsletter content for inclusion in the AGM packet
- Draft Newsletter Submission-Dogs at the Lake
- Discussion of late fee/finance charge changes. Smith’s proposed newsletter submission addresses this topic.
- Draft newsletter will be completed for approval by July 8 BOD meeting.
- Update sick leave policy for Personnel Policy Handbook. Discrepancy between law and policy statement. We are adhering to the law, but LISECC policy statement language needs to be amended.
- Administration
- It would be helpful if the newsletter included a reminder about saving parking for those that need it and to remove boat trailers from the parking area prior to the AGM.
- Election committee should be established at July meeting or prior to start of AGM. Compile list of members who will be willing to help at AGM.
- Treasurer
- Review of financial statements.
- Reserves transfer for backhoe brakes $1,938.76
- Communications/Planning: None
Member Communications: None
Old Business:
- Discussion of BOD response to member request to turn over accounts 20029, 60006, and 60007 to LISE. Reiterate to member that LISE is not in position to take back lots that we do not have the expectation to sell. Doing so would decrease the number of dues paying lots and that would have a financial impact on the membership.
New Business:
- Water Disconnection and Lien Notices: board vote. Postponed until the next board meeting.
Other Business:
- Next BOD meeting is July 8, 2018 at 9:30. Slater motioned for the meeting to be held outside of regular schedule. Cash seconded. Passed.
Ten minute Executive Session to discuss part-time employee benefits.
Adjournment: 11:36 am