Policy 3
/Water use - sprinkling and watering
With the passing of Public Law 93-523, the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Amendments in 1986 by the Congress of the United States, the State of Washington has passed laws and established rules which are now affecting every water system that serves two or more single family residences.
As a result of these laws and rules it is imperative that we maintain our water use as consistently as possible. In other words, we cannot have very high-use days once or twice a week as we have had in the past. Each day's use should be close to the daily average use for the total month with seasonal rises as required by summer use versus winter use. In the past we have had some very high-use days on weekends which we must control.
Conservation of water is part of the requirements which we need to comply with since eventually we will be required to draw up a conservation plan to be approved by the authorities. Until that plan is in place our efforts to control our use of water in any one day will be limited to the following sprinkling and watering policy.
If you live in the Estates full time, please restrict your sprinkling and watering to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. If you visit the Estates only on weekends please do your sprinkling and watering on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. For all members, when a sprinkling ban is in effect, hand-water only. Watch for the signs. A fine can be imposed if the ban is not adhered to.
Use what you need, but don't waste water needlessly.
Effective 14 July 1991, revised 11 June 2000.
Approved by the Board of Directors in regular session 14 July 1991, Jack E. Small, President.