LISECC Announces Boil Water Advisory for All Customers

News Release

For Immediate Release: 8/18/2023

Contact: LISECC Operations (360) 758-7055

 LISECC announces boil water advisory for all customers.

Lummi Island Scenic Estates Community Club is advising all water customers to boil their drinking water after a recent broken water main may have introduced harmful contaminants into the distribution system. The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has been notified and LISECC is working closely with the Office of Drinking Water to ensure that your water is safe. The boil water advisory will remain in effect until further notice.

We are issuing this boil water notice as a precaution until lab analysis proves your water is indeed safe to drink.

There have been reports of water discoloration accompanying the unexpected water main break.  During the event water flow through the water mains increased causing agitation of normal residual biofilms inside the pipes.  The event lasted approximately 8 hours overnight and created the potential for introduction of contaminants from possible cross connections within the system, and or from the ground water surrounding the pipes.   

The boil water advisory includes several precautionary steps for customers. These include using bottled water or boiled water for drinking, brushing teeth, dishwashing, preparing food, and making ice. Water should come to a rolling boil for one minute, then cool to an appropriate temperature before using.

The advisory will remain in effect until LISECC and DOH are confident the water is safe. When satisfactory results are reported, customers will be notified that the advisory has been lifted.

If you have questions, please call us at (360) 758-7055