Minutes October 15, 2017
/Board of Directors Meeting
Guest Forum: none
Call to Order: Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:34 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Present: Leslie Dempsey, Don McCuiston, Jeff Smith, Doug Cash
Absent: Tim Slater
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum present? Yes
Changes to the Agenda: none
Approval of Minutes
- Cash moved to approve the Annual Meeting August 26, 2017 DRAFT minutes for membership approval at 2018 AGM, with correction of the spelling of “McCuiston” on page 2. Smith seconded. Passed.
- Cash moved to approve the Board of Directors Meeting of September 17, 2017, with correction of the date “September 20” regarding date of the Disaster Prep meeting in the guest forum. Smith second. Passed.
- President: Dempsey reported that the DWRSF loan payment was made in September. We have a suggestion to change the Bookkeeper process with the DWSRF loan. Now the bookkeeper separates dues, water “Ready to Serve” fee, and DWSRF loan received. The exact amount of DWSRF loan amount received in that deposit is then transferred to the Loan Savings account. Consultant Dave Olson advised a transferring 1/12th of payment amount on a monthly basis which fully meets requirements of State of Washington to have a separate account for a DWSRF loan payment. Discussion of how this process works, with agreement to follow consultant’s recommendation.
- Treasurer: Dempsey reviewed August and September reports. Currently at 81% of dues collections in September of the 2017 year per cash basis, so ahead of schedule.
- Operations/Water: Cash reports that training of new bookkeeper is going well. Cash asked, were stolen garage tools replaced? Southworth said that circular saw and cordless drill have been purchase. Cash noted that overhead garage doors are old and rotten, and should be replaced. Action item: Southworth to get a couple quotes to replace overhead shop doors with and without windows. Docks removed, did not use the carts. Southworth reported gangway ready to install, will need arc welder, boom truck, and to modify the existing wooden railings. Small dock replacement in consideration. Dempsey asked about the increase is unaccounted for water (14%). Southworth answered that the increase may be from new minor leaks. Sanitary survey report requires remote monitoring system at the water treatment plant and water tank vault. Discussion about why alarms are needed. There is a beaver at the reservoir that must be removed per the Department of Health.
- Communications/Planning:McCuiston will report updates in old and new business agenda.
- Personnel Committee: Action item: change email name for business@lisecc.com to “Allison Cash”.
Meeting Communications
- Account #60046: owner request to credit finance charges. Dempsey stated we must be consistent with all members. Cash discussed consistency problems with member claims that “they didn’t get the bill.” McCuiston concerned that if invoices are emailed, there must also be a paper mailing. Cash moved to not waive account 60046 finance charges of $3.01 and McCuiston will draft a letter to the member for the board to review. McCuiston seconded. Passed.
Old business
- Key Bank authorized signer updates: Dempsey asked to include this item in new business item about deposit check scanning.
- 1194 Beach Avenue, request to join LISECC. Slater recommends in a letter that LISE not add new lots to the membership and water service. Response letter was drafted by Dempsey. Cash moved to send the letter to the non-member. Smith seconded. Passed.
- Water billing software and customer billing issues: Dempsey explained that Colgan discovered several small delinquencies in the aging report as there was no process to send delinquent statements. Years ago the accountant set up QuickBooks with AR accounts for each year, which complicated the past due statements. Policy states members must be current to have the ability to make monthly payments. Sent statements for 134 accounts so that accounts could be up to date by the time we order 2018 coupons. 32 owners have been in contact. 17 accounts have paid to current, and almost $4000 received.
- Report on Dave Olson consultation by Colgan: six recommendations: 1) use Quickbooks for all billing instead of a combination of American Business Software and/or Quickbooks; 2) convert member fee invoices based on how members pay, from an initial annual invoice to a semi-annual or monthly invoices with adjusted due dates; 3) include statements with invoices; 4) move water “Ready to Serve” (base rate for water service) to water usage invoices and divide this annual rate by the number of water usage invoices sent in a year; 5) increase frequency of water billing from quarterly to every two months; 6) create water tiers as an item quantity in QuickBooks to make billing more efficient. Smith asked that a letter be sent to all to members explaining the new billing system. Dempsey stated we need to look of any bylaws are affected by these billing changes.
- Update on Accountant: Colgan reported that the file transfer of the QuickBooks file was successful with CPA, instead of physically transporting laptop to Bellingham as was done in the past. Discussion continued about Allison’s work hours and open office hours.
- Surveillance camera proposal: McCuiston presented surveillance proposal. Maintenance shop may be connected to internet via PogoZone. Installation about $75, but may not be charged for additional account. Purchase from Costco would allow return on equipment if not satisfied. McCuiston moved to contact Pogozone about internet communication at Maintenance Shop with installation less than $100. Cash second. Passed.
- Marina barbecue damage: Southworth reported that homeowner agreed to repair barbecue, but proposed not to rebuild the chimney, and would instead place a park metal barbecue near it.
New business
- Deposit scanning and online deposit. Dempsey explained that staff and board members are currently delivering checks to mainland branches. Discussion of check scanners and related fees to KeyBank. Chase bank may have offer to provide scanner for free. Could be an opportunity to reset signers. KeyBank required all current/new signers to be present at once. Action item: Dempsey will research banking options.
- Policy Statements to update policies to show correct job positions. Cash moved for Dempsey to change job titles in policies to current job positions. McCuiston seconded. Passed.
- McCuiston proposed sending a contact update form with our next major mailing. Contact form will include authorized contact besides the member/owner. Discussion about procedure to allow authorized contact that is not an owner. McCuiston is researching smart phones for staff. Discussion about phone types and use of office line as a mobile phone.
The next board meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2017 at 9:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 11:48 am.