Minutes September 17, 2017
/Board of Directors Meeting
Guest Forum: Sue Aspelund announced a Disaster Prep meeting on Wednesday, September 20 at 7:00 am at the Clubhouse. Scenic Estates faces special challenges, including possibly being cut off from first responders in a disaster and wildfire on the mountain. Duncan (Fire Chief), Wayne Chaudiere, and Brenda Howell will be present to discuss County preparations, Firewise, MYN, and potential resources within Scenic Estates.
Call to Order: Dempsey called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Present: Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey, Tim Slater, Jeff Smith
Absent: Don McCuiston
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth and Isaac Colgan
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum present? Yes
Changes to the Agenda
- Dempsey made the Executive Session the last item of New Business
- Colgan said that as McCuiston is not present, McCuiston would like to postpone discussion of surveillance camera proposal until next board meeting.
Approval of Minutes
- Cash moved to approve the Board of Directors Meeting minutes of July 16, 2017 with spelling corrections. Slater seconded. Passed.
- Cash moved to approve the Board of Directors Meeting minutes of August 19, 2017, 9:00 am with spelling corrections. Slater seconded. Passed.
- Slater moved to approve the Board of Directors Meeting minutes of August 26, 2017, 9:00 am. Cash seconded. Passed.
- Board will review the draft 2017 AGM minutes at the October 2017 BOD meeting for membership approval at the 2018 AGM.
- Cash moved to approve the Board of Directors Meeting minutes of August 26, 2017, 4:00 am with spelling corrections. Smith seconded. Passed.
- President: Dempsey reported an update to the lawsuit, that the plaintiffs were granted another postponement. October 4 is the new date for the plaintiffs to file an opening brief.
- Treasurer: Dempsey explained that, because limitations during dry dock, the CPA was unable to review financial information on the office laptop. The financial report for August will be made at the October BOD meeting.
- Operations/Water: Cash reviewed the August 2017 Operations Report. The shop was broken into between August 26 and 27 and some tools were stolen. Docks are coming out next weekend. Cash asked staff to research purchase of life rings for the Marina dock and the Swim Lake. Southworth asked for board input on a plan to repair or remove the Marina BBQ. Cash directed Southworth to estimate repairs. Dempsey would like the BBQ issue resolved by the October BOD meeting as the member who caused the damage has been responsive.
- Communications/Planning: no report
- Personnel Committee: Dempsey stated that the committee has made a plan to post a staff position vacated by Glenda Peterson and the board will meet in Executive Session to discuss.
Meeting Communications
- Joel B. Allison letter August 18, 2017: This letter was sent to LISECC members and forwarded to the board by a member. No response needed as this was not directly addressed to the board.
- Louise Weber emails August 2 & 3, 2017: Weber’s concerns about credit memos will be reviewed next week.
Old business
Slater moved to remove all signers on LISECC Key Bank accounts with exception of Doug Cash, and add signers Leslie Dempsey and Jeff Smith. Cash seconded. Passed.
Regarding the request of property owners of 1194 Beach Avenue to join LISECC: Slater expressed concerns about whether LISECC has the authority under its existing water rights from DOE and system approval from DOH to serve properties not currently within one of the LISECC platted divisions as well as not wanting to use one of LISECC’s currently approved connections to serve a non-member property when we recently spent thousands of dollars on engineering cost and many hours of staff and board time to increase the number of DOH approved connections we are approved to serve and that our first priority should be to our existing members with vacant lots give that their dues were used in part to cover the cost of increasing the number of approved connections. Slater was also concerned about the amount of staff and board time that would be involved in reviewing and investigating all the issues that would need to be resolved before we would be able to serve a non-member property as well as engineering and potentially attorney time and related cost and not wanting our existing members to be paying for those cost. Assuming all the foregoing hurdles could be overcome, we would have to agree on an appropriate connection charge that could likely be substantial. Finally, Slater noted that under our bylaws any extension of water service to property not currently part of LISECC would need to be approved by the general membership. Dempsey met with the former president Mark Sexton, who explained that previously, new members would be asked to pay a capital infusion that would total LISECC historical member fees. Southworth said that a State Dept. of Health engineer explained that adding a customer outside of the water system would require engineering approval. Action item: Slater is going to draft a preliminary response for consideration at the October Board meeting.
The board reviewed the documents Continuance of Trustee’s Sale for account #10205, and Whatcom County Foreclosure of Liens for accounts #100002 and #20030.
New business
Colgan reported the LISECC currently pays for water billing software but does not use those statement features in the billing process, and he asked for the board’s review and participation in any possible improvements to the billing process. Cash said to report developments to himself and Dempsey before the next BOD meeting.
Slater moved to go into Executive Session for personnel matters from 10:45 to 11:15 am. Cash seconded. Passed.
The meeting went into Regular Session at 11:12. Slater explained that new book keeper position was considered at an hourly rate and number of hours that fits within the LISECC 2017 budget.
Cash moved to approve posting the book keeper position as stated. Slater seconded. Passed.
The next board meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.