Minutes September 18, 2024

Special Meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS


Call to Order: Jim called the special meeting to order at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

  •  Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey (joined at 7:05 pm)

  • Board members absent: David Canterman

  • Staff Present: Allison Cash

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.          

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Policy 18 Revision

New Business:

  • The board is proposing adding a clause to Policy 18-Definition of Ownership and Procedure of LISECC Lot Sale and Change of Member Records.

       The proposed clause would read:

Policy 18A Definition of Ownership
The transfer of ownership of real property within LISECC will be deemed bona fide and in the manner provided for by LISECC policy and bylaws and the laws of the State of Washington when the transfer of ownership is duly recorded on the property roles of the Whatcom County Assessor’s Office.

Procedure of LISECC Lot Sale and Change of Member Records will be renumbered as 18B, but no changes to the wording of this part of the policy are proposed.

Doug motioned to accept the changes to Policy 18 as proposed. Leslie seconded. All in favor.

  • Jim would like to have signs made and permanently posted at the Clubhouse stating that no weapons/firearms are permitted on the premises. Jeff is going to look into wording and propose it to the board.

  • The Sheriff’s Department is requiring LISECC to hire 2 off-duty officers for the AGM, not just 1.

  • Leslie motioned to enter Executive Session and include the General Manager at 7:16 pm to discuss legal matters. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

  • The board returned to regular session at 7:36 pm. No motions were made during the Executive Session. Leslie left the meeting at 7:36 pm.

Adjournment: Jeff motioned to adjourn at 7:37 pm. Doug seconded. All in favor.